CdS and lost passports

@Jane_Williamson knows I knew…:hugs:

Bien sûr j’ai su. Mais ça s’entend plus joli en français :fr::thinking::slightly_frowning_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We had a meeting today in my local town, with a guy from Limoges Prefecture, and this subject came up, and no, we won’t be able to vote after 31/1/2020, and any Brit with their name on the electoral roll will be summarily deleted (ouch), which I find odd, since he went on to state that other ‘stuff’ will be the same until 31/12/2020, after which ‘all bets are off’.

Je le savais: ‘j’ai su’ implies it was the case but is no longer so :grin:


So, (tee hee), what does ROFL stand for please?

PMSL actually that should be pml, shouldn’t it, really.

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Rolling on the floor laughing!

Quand j’y réfléchis, de toute évidence, oui. Merci madame.:hugs:

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It’s a member of abbreviative cluster that includes POSL, PYSL, PHSL, PTSL and the regal PO👑SL.

WHKL is a cluster ‘outlier’, to distinguish the subject from PHSL in the interest of gender disambiguation :smiley:

Not quite sure what your reply means - I do get very confused with all these ‘initials’ - does your remark require a reply from me?

I think it is Peter you are really replying to! :grinning:

Sorry to sow confusion, @anon88836513!

It’s a bit of a tired joke about this new style of interpersonal communication using the capital letters of well-known catch phrases. Well known, at least, to those “in the know” = ITK.

Thus PMSL = Pissed My Self Laughing = “I laughed so much at your comment that I briefly lost control of my bladder sphincter and wet my pants”.

The others are variants on the theme e.g.
PHSL = Pissed His Self Laughing and so on through the list of personal and impersonal pronouns, singular and plural, culminating with the Royal “One Self” Laughing, reserved for HM, the exclusivity symbolised by the little crown.

I hope my rather long-winded explanation clear this up for you, and again I regret any înconvenience caused = RAIC. :hugs::smiley::zipper_mouth_face:

The story has a happy, but largely pointless conclusion. Via their email address, they accepted a scanned and signed copy of the new passport and updated my records.

I then moved house to a new region before the CdS was issued. Interestingly, it was issued on the day that I moved house, but I was already on the road with the rental truck.

I wasn’t going back to get it, and they wanted me back there to collect it. However, thanks to Covid19, they sent it out to my new address, which I assume they read off my email signature because I didn’t supply them with any other proof of address. Go figure.

The pointless bit is that it expires at the end of the year. What is everyone else doing about CdSs


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N’importe quoi!

Everyone who needs to will be applying for the new card between July and December through the online portal.