CdSejour On-line Portal, Info & Flow Chart 19 October '20 onwards

shop’em! :triumph:

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Just them or everyone else I know that breaks the law both here and the UK? :wink:

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It’s funny, I am normally of the “live and let live” school of thought for most things apart from physical and mental violence. I watch my neighbours lighting illegal bonfires, building illegal garden sheds, and doing all sorts of illegal things hardly without twitching.

But I have developed a strange protectionist approach that I find myself getting inordinately cross about people - and particularly British people - who push boundaries or break rules in France. As if their infractions reflect on me because we hold the same passport which is stupid. I so loathe having to hear or read stuff about badly behaved Brits in France (which there is quite a bit of), but can smile and join in happily when people are rude about Brits in Britain (particularly blond mop headed ones).


“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

Shop ‘em.

They are valid on EU flights I believe the same as ID cards throughout the EU. My partner flies on her National ID card all the time

I’ll ask the same question as I asked Andrew earlier - should I shop everyone I come across who has broken the law?

What does your conscience say?

Life’s too short Lily.

How many of us have paid a tradesman/woman in cash or know someone who works for cash or hasn’t re-reg’d their vehicle or has a bonfire when they’re banned etc, etc?

I do.
Just my personal view of integrity and civil society.
There are no ‘victimless’ crimes.

Is that illegal in France :thinking:

Perhaps the point of agreement is in distinguishing between ‘crimes’ and ‘misdemeanors?’

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There are serious consequences for working ‘on the black’ if you get caught, I’m surprised you didn’t know that?

That wasn’t the question @tim17
You should stop watching PMQs for pointers on how not to answer a polite question :wink:

We’re all different Michael, I’ve not exactly led a blameless life so am not about to drop people in it, those that continually break the law will get caught out sooner or later as people who’ve been living under the radar here are now finding out.

If you’d asked a serious question then you’d have got a sensible reply Graham, you knew full well what I meant.

Well, if you made a sensible, intelligent and properly qualified statement, there would be no need to ask for clarification, would there? :roll_eyes:
The question was a serious one. @an_droo gets paid in cash many times a day I’m sure - is he trading illegally because he receives cash for his “services” - no, of course not. How absurd but your sweeping generalisation suggests otherwise without proper qualification.


Granted I could have worded things better but as per usual you just couldn’t let it go, I wouldn’t have responded if you’d have made a joke out of it but you chose not to do that either. I suggest we leave it there as it is detracting from the thread as is my apparent lack of civic duty for not ‘shopping’ all and sundry no matter how trivial their crimes.

I’m sure you will be more careful next time :wink:

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Good job in Prefecture de police de Paris, Louis Lepine. In and out in 10 minutes. Passport ID, Photograph and fingerprint. Expect card in 4 weeks.