CdSejour On-line Portal, Info & Flow Chart 19 October '20 onwards

Is there an ‘insane’ spot? :grinning:


Ahhhh the sausage sizzle! In Oz we have them every Saturday morning at Bunnings (BandQ equiv), every sport event, every school fundraiser, snags on the barbie sold in bread with some sauce (tomato or BBQ) and onion! Everyone comes from miles around as the smell is divine and is a huge earner! I’m trying to make my parents and teachers here understand and start doing it at our fundraisers!

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Strange they don’t get it as it seems every brocante, vide grenier, puces and foire we (used to) go to has one. Maybe this year!

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You had a good day, and got the right sort of sausage. I tried one at a village fayre when we first arrived (knowing bugger all) and got an andouillette :face_vomiting:


I’ve never seen andouilette on one of those stalls, mercifully. It’s the one French speciality I can’t stand ( lots of it around here) . My Frernch teacher says he loves it but admits that you have to grow up with it in order to like it - his (Englis) wife has tried desperately to aquire the taste and failed :smiley:

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The main one is/was in Croydon in the suitably named Lunar House.

Me too. Rick Stein has a lot to answer for in this regard. He has revolted hundreds, possibly thousands of viewers of his otherwise excellent TV progs on France and food by having tripe at least once every programme and raving about it. Like many others, I give it another go but it’s just as revolting as ever. Enough already!

just as long as they don’t make eating it a condition of French Citizenship eh? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Andouilles are big here too. I quite like them, but my wife had refused to try them until last weekend. We went away for a night in a hotel and booked a table d’hôte dinner - no choice. It was typically Breton - the starter was scallops with andouille - it was delicious, my wife tried andouille for the first time - and really liked it!
(The main was cod with buckwheat ‘risotto’ - as I said, very Breton.)

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I have ordered two kilos of boudin noir from La Chasse.
They make the best ones.

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nowt wrong with black pudding :wink:
When my iron levels were low, my MT prescribed it (but the boucher made me pay for it…)

You should try Venetian liver. Delicious.

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fried onions?

Fried in olive oil and with parsley and sage added at the last moment.
I put a little velours de balsamic in as well.
Olive oil equals Mediterranean diet.

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Many years ago I had andouille locally and it was served a bit like haggis and I liked it a lot. Andouillette was disgusting! However, when I’ve had andouille recently, it has definitely been served like andouillette (and tasted just like it). Is my memory failing or are there different types of andouille in the same region :thinking:

I meet several “andouilles” on the roads round here, does that count :wink:


For your records @toryroo - partner’s (10 year) CdS arrived today so that’s 4 months from application to interview and 1 month from interview to card arrival (Manche 50)


On FB someone mention that their daughter’s CdS arrived in double quick time… Problem: the photo is not of her daughter!

Wow, that’s a lot of Brits in the Dordogne, and loads of cartes de séjours to process!

There must be a lot in the big cities too I guess…but I thought that didn’t sound that many out of the (maybe) 200,000 here.

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interesting spread: