CdSejour On-line Portal, Info & Flow Chart 19 October '20 onwards

And here’s another that just landed in my inbox.

Votre demande de titre de séjour a été instruite par la préfecture. Elle porte le numéro suivant : 55756 (numéro «GED» à rappeler dans vos futures démarches).

Nous vous proposons un rendez-vous le mercredi 28 octobre 2020 à 11h05 à la Cité Administrative de Périgueux Batiment I (i) Rue du 26 ème Régiment d’Infanterie (à côté de l’entrée du musée Vesunna), - pour finaliser votre démarche (prise d’empreintes biométriques et photographie).

Lors de ce rendez-vous, vous devrez vous munir de ce mail (ou, en cas d’impossibilité de l’imprimer, du numéro de référence indiqué ci-dessus) ainsi que des pièces suivantes:

  • votre passeport ;

  • une photographie d’identité récente (format 35 mm x 45 mm) (pas de copie) ;

  • un justificatif de domicile si votre adresse à changer depuis votre inscription en ligne.

Si vous ne pouvez absolument pas vous présenter à ce rendez-vous, veuillez prendre contact avec nous par mail :


Stella this is the mail address with our names,
I first looked at the email on my mobile and for some reason several question marks appear within the senders name, but do not appear on the laptop version :thinking: These question marks have been coming up with some spam mails which I always delete!

Looks fine to me… I know of other Brits who will be at that very building on Wednesday morning…

I was explaining to them how to find Cité Administrative… Batiment 1

you might find it worthwhile checking on Google Earth/similar… if you don’t already know it.

Thanks Stella, I hope there will be social distancing :wink:
The place is a little closer to us and looks like plenty of parking :relaxed:

CdSejour Flow Chart - Well that’s a months supply of ink gone, just to read “My previous residence permit”. . . . . . should have gone to “Economiseurs de Lunettes” !

Oh my… did you really have to print it all out… .??? :rofl: :rofl:

Nope . . . as it happens. Thousands of words illegible on my netbook - just standard practice for OH benefit.

This is the correct address for the appointments. Don’t arrive early, due to covid restrictions you won’t be allowed in but it is recommended to arrive 1/2 hour early as parking can be a PITA and you don’t want to miss your slot (sit in the car / go for a coffee but if you show up you’ll be stood on the doorstep!).

Next the the Vesunna museum entrance is the easiest way to find it!

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Many thanks Tory, looking at the Google photos of that area there looks to be a lot of parking areas, but then my OH reminded me we had been there many years ago and the parking even then was horrendous!


Yep… OH was only saying that, today…

we are going over to Perigueux Cité Admin… on Monday… so I’ll be able to report back on the parking situation… might not be so bad, if most folk are working from home… but we’ll be there early anyway… and, as suggested, sit in the car until almost the time… :slight_smile:


Hi thank you for this post and the links within. I have a question please. I would be very grateful for some clarification on the issue of the documentation necessary for the application. My wife and I are in the “living here less than 5 years, early retired with sufficient financial resources” category. With regard to the proof of health insurance does this refer to the dreaded top up insurance or are we able to produce the letters we recently received from l’assurance maladie (cpam). We don’t currently have top up insurance. I think I can guess the answer but live in hope. Thanking you in advance.

Your CPAM letters are fine. Mutuelle is not compulsory for anyone French or otherwise. so you need:

  1. Passport
  2. Proof of domicile
  3. Bank statement show funds
  4. CPAM letter

that’s good news. thank you very much.

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yeah thanks @toryroo- you are doing a brilliant job of info sharing! Xx


Hear, hear. :slight_smile: :grin:


Yes isn’t she, you must be from Sydney, Tory, couldn’t possibly be Melbourne. :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, but my days in Sydney were filled with disdain for the village on the Yarra, to the extent that Rugby League was king there and no way could you even mention Aussie Rules. Things might have changed. :laughing:

And other cities are available. :wink:

You’re welcome!

Close - but I’m a country girl - central west NSW (Cowra and later Orange!). I did spend a couple of years in Sydney though and I’m definately a NSW girl!

Orange I have been through, on my way with 2 mates to one of them’s family home at Dubbo, then later on a round trip with another mate to Broken Hill…

then on to his family home near Melbourne…brrrr, that wind from the Antarctic. :laughing:

Ahhhhh good old Dubbo :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I was at boarding school with a good few kids from there! And we had farms even fruther out than there (past Bourke heading to the border!).

Fond memories, but I mustn’t be tempted, we are seriously disrupting this thread. :frowning_face: :wink: