Censorship on the forum?

As someone who has been on the receiving end of your "feedback" in the past I cannot help but understand where Dominic is coming from.

With regard to the tear gas thing the police did not specifically target children, they were responding to acts of violence against them. The police cannot stand by & allow such violence to go unchecked & use of tear gas was a far better choice than a baton charge, water cannon or rubber bullets. Tear gas is uncomfortable but does no long term harm even to children. It was no accident that the kids were there .Mind you, young children are also capable of throwing rocks & firebombs & I can understand why the police were not going to let the violence escalate because a few kids will get a whiff of tear gas.

My opinion would be somewhat different if the same police had turned up at a primary school & fired tear gas into the playground.

Where was your indignation when a coach of school children was attacked by migrants a few weeks ago?

What is it you can not discuss?
If you are better informed than some correspondents why not give us the benefit of that knowledge.
Who are these glitterati people who are bullying you? Don’t be oblique.
Tell us and we’ll sort’em out for you.
Speak up. We want to hear you, anyway I do.



There he goes again.

So Simon, is it more abhorrent that it happened in Calais rather than Iraq? It should shame you, if you don’t mind me saying so, that you live in the “West” that has caused all this mess. You know, I always feel you like knocking France. I don’t know why.

You just don’t get it, do you Simon?

Seems like a fair assessment to me Dominic.

Hi Dominic and welcome to SFN.

I find it hard to understand why you think I took any moral high ground - I was stating my opinion on the use of tear gas on children in France. Hardly a moral high ground issue! I found the fact that many contributors were trying to almost validate firing at kids - utterly abhorrent. This happened in Calais - France, not Iraq. It shames me that I live in a country that condones such behaviour. Obviously others are entirely comfortable with it. I get it.

I've always believed feedback to be a gift - so thank you for yours: just to clarify you think I'm a bully. As it seems to be unmonitored open season on me, on this and other discussions, I guess you'll get away with that - in fact it will most probably be endorsed. I've had much worse thrown at me over the past 24 hours together with some pretty dire and hurtful personal messages. Time to compile a 'dossier' I think......

Good advice.

One of my aunts is called Biddy (Bridget). I wouldn't recommend dreaming about her either ... I think you'll need to go zzz'y later with thoughts of fluffy kittens and sunflowers otherwise you'll wake up in a sweat.

"Brace yourself Biddy", as we'd say in the old Country.

Analysts would have a field day with a dream like that one (grin).

Thank goodness for that, I was on track for nightmares.

No, no, no, it's Artificial Intelligence. They even made a film about it.


What’s artificial insemination got to do with anything?



Good god Ian!!! It can't be THAT bad can it?

I agree with you, Dan. Perhaps we need some discussion topics for us ordinary mortals, but few have been safe so far!

As far as the EU/Jungle/Immigration are concerned, opinions seem to vary according to which part of the UK one came from and how long one has been away. While I have been living in France for ten years now, my frequent visits to South East England show me how my own part of the UK has deteriorated, physically and socially. I can make up my own mind as to why, the causes are visible all around me.

Sadly those you describe as the Glitterati ensure that the very topics on which I may be better informed than those who read UK newspapers (never impartial) are those I cannot discuss.

I shall be voting in the Referendum, however!

John I was not and am not interested in the ‘causes’ for anyone tear gassing children. If you want to debate that then start a discussion on it. I think our discussion has become boring so I’ll butt out now. No skin off my nose, as you said.