CFE payments no longer requested by mail

I have received a letter saying that my CFE payment is overdue. This is because they no longer write to ask for it - they expect that we will go on line and pay it - without any reminder.

Anyway, i just tried to do this but am missing a piece of information so will need to go to the impots anyway.

My last "demande" for the CFE payment was for 303€and was based on "imposition sur la base minimum". I am assuming that this is the minimum CFE payment one can make and is based on the level of revenue. Can anyone comfirm this please,


It is clear now

I went to the tresor and paid them directly. It seems there are certain thresholds set for income and these thresholds determine the minimum amount one has to pay.

With regards to setting up one's "e space" apparently you can fill in on line - up to a point - and then have to ask the impots for an activation code.

I guess they will in some dark future expect us all to make our payments & declarations on line. I am resisting this as much as I can !



I had the same issue with the late demand and then having to wait for the code by post, when I did log on I was able to pay though it wasn't straight forward. Heard nothing about late penalties so far but probably have to log back on to see that!

Thank you.

cotisation foncière des entreprises

It is a local business tax.

Being dumb what is CFE

So it has been said. Let us all see what actually happens.

Isn't income tax (Impôt sur revenu) supposed to go only online this year?

We received our demand on 12 December saying payment was required on line by 15 December.

When we found the site to register on line we were then told we would receive a Code by post within the next three weeks!

It eventually arrived about a week later - but still after the 15 December deadline. We were then able to activate our account but so far no demand received but we have had to take a prelevement authorisation to our bank so maybe they will just take the money!

What with this experience & recently being screwed by the French judicial system (see earlier post) we despair of officialdom in France!

My OH got her paper demand which stated that it was the last paper one to be sent out but that payment had to be made electronically. We both had them after the payment deadline on paper, which given I have done it electronically twice seemed nuts. Anyway, we had umpteen problems which I described in another post, paid late then got a reminder telling me I have not paid well after I had. The bottom line is, do not worry about it all. It is such a mess they will not fine you or anything as long as you do it fast. However, they expect you to jump up and pay on the dot the minute you get the electronic demand, even if they are late so be prepared next December.

See the CFE-IFER post by William Hannant for plenty more details.

The no paper bill, register online for cfe was widely discussed/sopoken off all over various forums in the build up to December but don't worry - the online system was so rubbish they decided not to enforce late payment charges.

It does sound like this is your min payment for your commune, but the hotel des impots will get you bill out and go through it with you . You will be able to pay it directly there too