Charente Recommendations

Currently in the UK, we live rurally and have to drive to facilities so when/if we move to France, we would like to be on the edge of an active village within comfortable walking distance of local shops, bar/eateries. We loved Vertueil when last we visited in May and felt it was somewhere we could live. It is a beautiful village, on the Charente river, and our feelings about the place were prompted by the warm and welcoming people we met. So my question is, can anyone recommend anywhere matching this criteria maybe in the Charente, or indeed further afield?
One thing we have learned after many trips to France over the years, that having lived rurally for 25 years, we now want to feel ‘more connected’. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

Yep, Verteuil is a good place to be with the advantage you won’t need to learn french !
Nanteuil just up the road is nice too.

Yes agree, Nanteuil is very nice too.

Gilly are you looking for somewhere with a good English base or would you be happy with a good French base (plus a scattering of Brits etc) ?

To be honest Stella, I would like a mix of both. Our French is limited, but prepared to learn and use what we have to integrate but would also feel comfortable with Brits nearby too, as do not want to feel isolated.

Fair enough - better to know what mix you are looking for. Having nearby Brits does lighten the tension, only natural. I would suggest you ensure there is a decent French Social Life as well.

You can gently slip into the French local events/happenings/whatever once you’ve found your feet.

An English-speaking Doc/Dentist - both very useful if you can find them - but not essential if you have a phone which does Google Translate etc.
and Hospitals/pharmacies etc often have English speakers somewhere on board.

We used to carry 3 dictionaries with us - took time, but we got there.

You have a wonderful time ahead of you - plan well and you will reap the rewards.