Cheaper mobile smartphone tariffs with Orange

Hello all

Just sharing the good stuff around....

E.I. has just reduced her mobile phone monthly forfait for calls and internet with orange from 49 euros to 15 euros per month, and got two hours of calls instead of 1 hour, plus unlimited SMS instead of 10.

Comment?, I hear you all cry, well her contract with Orange was finnished, and she was minded to go with who are offering 19.99 per month, unlimited calls, and 3 gb internet a month.

Orange have responded, ( but only if you threaten to cancel), with a counter offer, via their hidden site The site has been up since August, but I had never heard of it, until I threatened to leave.

So if you want cheaper calls on your smartphone, and you are out of contract, have a look at sosh.


Or I am very satisfied with their service.