Cheapest Internet in France?

What is the best (ie cheapest) way to get broadband in France? We had dial up but this was so slow nothing ever loaded, and they upped the monthly price from €4,90 to 19,90! In France for about 12 - 16 wks a year all told, so a monthly contract is out. Can you buy PAYG dongles for say 30 days for Internet? Roughly how much are these in France and which provider is best value? I have an android mobile, an iPad and a laptop. All help/advice welcomed, please. Thanks.

These are unavailable now, but I’m looking into something called “my-fi” in the Uk. Chap in the EE (orange) shop in UK was very helpful so I shall enquire in an Orange France shop when I get to France.

How true, Mimi. In that case you need to talk to you mobile phone provider in Uk about international internet access.

Yes, but €42 a month is ridiculous when we’re only in France about 16 weeks a year.

I've just signed up with Orange to landline, broadband and remote access wherever I am for 42 euros per month which includes all landline calls in EU, N America, Australia and NZ and all mobiles in France. Sounds good to me!

Thanks I’ll give this a go.