Cheeseism in Normandy and elsewhere

Still not real comté. They might have used AOC milk from a montbéliarde herd, but without the bell it’s not comté, so could have been made anywhere by anyone. And if they shipped the milk over to the States it can’t be as strict time limits between milking and comté cheese making, (And yea I’m biaised :wink:)

Yes. And Trader Joe’s buys directly from producers around the world, not importing from the distributers. But I don’t know how some companies here still get around labeling their American sparkling wines as “champagne”. All the prossecos we find here are imported from Italy, but not the fake champagnes.

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The cheese was made in France, not just the milk. From the French Alps.

Can’t wait! Might have to buy a 35 kg wheel.

I was taken to a TJ for the first time in California about 30 years ago, and was introduced to 2 buck Chuck red wine - what an eye opener! :smiley:

I never noticed it, is this the bell you’re looking for?

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Heretics the lot of them :rofl:

A real one :+1::+1::+1:

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We used to buy that years ago, also in California but stopped because Chantal thought it was giving her headaches. She’s from France and has a more sensitive constitution (and palette).

Can’t stand smelly or mouldy blue cheese’s and I hate wine, it all taste’s like vinegar to me…:nauseated_face::scream::wink::grin:

There are few cheeses at which I turn my nose up and am ever keen to try new ones even those that look and smell really rank :joy::joy::joy:

Absolutely ! And a green one too :grinning: the brown bells are slightly disfigured cheeses. I can go and eat my dinner happily now.

But was the bell on the cheeses in the packet you posted?

No, we are all out at this time (just have some Gruyère Suisse) so I can’t take a picture. That one is the comté we buy at Costco, which is aged a minimum of 8 months and is the same price as the one at Trader Joe’s (and a bit better). This is from their website: “Kirkland Signature Comte is made in the Jura Mountains in Eastern France. With the help of renowned French Affineur Herve Mons, Kirkland Signature Comte is hand-selected to ensure only the highest quality.”

Sorry to take up so much time and space on this. Chantal is getting after me to get back to our sorting so that we can make our move to France and buy a wheel of comté.

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Peter, she’s right! Where’s your head, my man! If in doubt … you know…

By the way everybody, Keb Mo, the blues-man standing in line of succession to Muddy Waters and Taj Mahal, taking a poke at the US gov hand-out scheme, has a wonderful song called “Gov’ment Cheese”.

He also has a charming number, confessing to a new g/f that "Babe - I gotta say …I prefer wholewheat… "

Forget about cheese til you get here. Chuckin’ and the 330 is all

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I know. it’s all my fault. I told myself I wouldn’t be coming back to this page unless I was replied to. I thought I was in luck, but then you came along, just as I was, at this moment, halfway through (now on the music theory section) writing an email to you (that I started 2 days ago!) :rofl: I just want to finish that up, then I’m back to sorting through hundreds (maybe thousands) of CD’s and DVD’s (after a walk while the sun is still out). :sun_with_face:Chantal’s already gone out.

I’m on Chantal’s side so am keeping quiet! I will save my comté trivia for another time…

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So do I which is why I put it in brackets, it doesn’t sound like an English N at the end of a word :blush:

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