Can anyone tell me about cheque employ? And if so the tax ratio on 10 euros per hour ?
I think this could be a relevant question!
There are many people who may wish to come to France who are in a similar
position and are hoping to work just a little, pay their taxes gratuisbut not require
anything for to speak.
Here sits a chorus of discord mainly in brewing a storm in UK.
If someone works part time under the cheque emploi system can they obtain a
carte vital? A friend of mine is thinking of moving to France and would be hoping to
work once of twice a week. She is not of retirement age and has a holiday home here
and a property in uk which she could easily let. She would, of course declare that income here.
Seems like a simple question but I can not answer it for her.
Quite - imagine having to calculate all the charges above yourself, hooray for cesu who do everything for you.
I use the cheque employ/CESU system for the young man who helps with the garden and for an occasional cleaner. It is extremely easy and keeps casual help legal. God forbid there should be an accident, but if so and one of the employees is hurt, the fines for the employer who paid no SS coverage at all are HUGE. The CESU website is so easy that there really is no reason not to use it.
Thank you!
This might help: (your taux horaire brut is €10.64 because of course you have added 10% for holiday pay to the smic)