Childcare options in Sucy en Brie

Hello all, my family is about to move into our house in Sucy en Brie. Instead of the Crech option does anyone here have any leads on a NouNou? I believe that is what my wife calls it. A nanny or shared nanny recommendations? We both work from home but at times our hours can get heavy so needing an extra hand is always nice. -Cheers in advance.

Child care is such a local thing that you might be better off waiting until you are there. But you could start searching for local mothers’ and toddlers groups to ask, whether your Marie has a contact area on their website, asking the school, etc etc

Nounous are really popular and can have long wait lists. You need to contact you Mairie ASAP and they will give you a list of all the local ones. You then need to contact each one. You need to have all you CAF paperwork sorted out otherwise it can be very costly. By the time I was sorted with CAF I couldn’t get a nou-nou place so had to drive my small 10kms to the new mini-creche. They were amazing and I don’t regret it at all!

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Thank you!

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