China continues to throw shapes

So does any country that has capital punishment.

If you are such an admirer why don’t you go and live there?

Oh dear! I never said I was such an admirer. But there are many other countries that do bad things. And lots that I would not want to live in.

And I regret to have to say that I am offended by your misinterpretation of what I have said.

I am sorry if you found my replies offensive, but defending China knowing full well how it works I find very strange.
The USA, to whom I think you must be referring, or perhaps North Korea as well, is no shining example for democracy.

Why? Mike has already explained…
(Please see post below)

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No I don’t full well know how it works and I don’t expect you do either, but I try to understand.

Yes I was referring to the USA and actually Russia and I could also have added the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to name but a few.

Of all the countries in the world, China is the most likely to come out best in a global nuclear war, so I think there is a good case for diplomacy rather than encouraging hatred by only emphasising their wrongdoings.
China was on our side in WW2. Twenty million of their citizens died. Maybe that is worth mentioning!


They weren’t on the “side” of the Japanese, the enemy of my enemy is my ally (just like Russia WW2 era)


The Soviet Union lost a staggering 24 million. From their perspective, they won the war in Europe with a little help from us. . . . .


Interesting to take in the Chinese government’s perspective…

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I think that response is flabby and scraping the bottom of a nasty stinky barrel, Jane. You can and usually do better. Is the heat getting to you?

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China is lethally dangerous and to view any of their actions as ‘only trying to’ is as a minimum naive.
China is going for (ultimately) world domination. Through military means, economic means and indebtedness means. No question that Taiwan will be next. What will the world do? My guess is nothing so encouraging China to do what the hell it likes where the hell it likes.


We can do our bit by buying from Taiwan instead of China.

There is news of an International Alliance Against China because of its stance on Hong Kong. and those who ask for an enquiry into the cause of the Covid Pandemic.
I heard IDS actually speaking sense, as he reasoned that China is picking off individual countries and the world needs to stand together to show China that its behaviour against its own minorities and Hong Kong is not acceptable to the rest of the world.

I really do find that difficult to believe.

If I hadn’t been in my bed, I probably would have fallen down.

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Despite Raab’s surprisingly laudable sabre rattling against the Chinese regime’s actions in Hong Kong, the UK will comply with China’s wishes in order to get a trade deal. Just as they are in the process of doing with the US and in due course will do with India, Australia, etc. all the way down to Liberia. I thought Liam (air-miles) Fox was a disaster but Liz Truss, St. Trinian’s answer to trade negotiation, will be even worse at protecting British citizens’ interests.

I havent seen any reference on here to the activities of Michel Barnier and the French govt in funding the lab in Wuhan ?

I suggest that no industrial nation would launch a nuclear attack. A nuclear attack contaminates with a half life in years. The natural resources / wealth of the attacked country are removed. The oppressor can neither exploit those resources nor has it a market to buy it’s products. A chemical/biological attack could have a half life of days. China might not have an army globally dispersed. But, rather has global economic ownership, and particularly in the media/electronic sector that is a vital part of the “ordinary” man (i.e. you and I ) budget. There are many examples of China’s “do not autonomous” philosophy and yet according to China: the UK MUST allow China to participate in the latest nuclear power station (to be built and managed by EDF), the world must allow Huawai to have a roll in the 5G roll out.
Look at that shows air quality across the globe. Look also at that publishes covid-19 statistics. Are all nations categorising by the same definition? Take as asking questions rather than reporting verifiable evidence.
Are China’s reported media contributions to manage / subdue their own peoples? Or to soften / distract the west’s perception of what is happening in China, understanding it global ambitions.
Capitalism is not perfect. But, the last three months in the UK have provided many examples of small business adapting to the pandemic. Large corporations are slow to respond. Levi Jeans are a classic example, Marks & Spencers, Debenhams, British Home Stores are UK high street examples. But small local businesses have quickly adapted, not just for self-survival but imprtantly, for the benefit of the local community in self-isolation.
I can only urge, as I have in earlier contributions that we ask: what is the pontificat’s agenda, who can we verify the information. Tony Benn summed up accountability in five questions
"What power have you got?
"Where did you get it from?
"In whose interests do you use it?
"To whom are you accountable?
“How do we get rid of you?”
“Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system.”


Any sources for that I can peruse?