Christmas Trees and Festive Information

Yes Tim, start that thread. I will join in. I’m a bit of a scrooge about Christmas. Bah humbug!!!

How many funny looks did you get Mat ? :rofl:

I only make an effort with tree and decorations for mum’s sake, I hate all the over commercialisation.
This year we will be 3 for Christmas lunch, I’m cooking so it will be a simple yet elegant (in my dreams) meal :wink:
Don’t forget we have all the hype of Haloween to get through yet :rofl:

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Where is the best place to get costumes?? And do kids go door to door like americans?

Love the potted tree idea!

Good root system at the start… is essential… so we bought from a Garden Centre… then we put the tree outdoors … only bringing it back in for each Christmas. Of course, we “topped” it and re-potted every 2 years (into a nice bigger pot).

Finally, the tree got so big that to “top” it would be cruel… so we gave it away… to the local “home for unwanted Christmas trees” :roll_eyes::hugs:


This morning


Omg!!! Yay! Is it typical for there to be fake snow on the trees?:snowflake::evergreen_tree:

Don’t get too excited Meghann, I think Nellie is in the UK at the moment. :smile:


Another question…do u have traditional christmas dinner recipes?? And do we prepare a traditional christmas eve dinner??

Oh poop!! Lol!! Sorry im torturing everyone but for the first time in my life i get to have a Christmas i dreamed about as a child. A loving hubby, all our children…truly so happy


Everywhere Meghann. When it gets closer check out the publicity for all the shops and supermarkets.

Yes kids go trick or treating. In our village they go in one big group with adult supervision. Supermarkets will soon start selling packets of sweets suitable to give out to kids on Halloween.

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I have 5 costumes to prepare…so far i have an Elsa, a Thor (with a real hammer!!:joy:) and a Pigeon!!! Pigeon was a shocker!!

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Yes I am in the U.K. The shop in the picture is close to where I live and they were preparing the space in August. Last year I saw a shop with a Hallowe’en display on the 31st of August. This year they don’t seem as ahead. I think there may have been complaints

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The french tradition is to have the Christmas meal the night before, réveillon. Our friends now know that we don’t touch the foie gras or the escargot, so we get equivalent luxuries like lobster. Instead of a christmas pud you have a Bûche de Noel - or a chocolate log which will be decorated. You order them from your bakery, which will also probably have special Christmas breads as well.

So we tend to do that, and then have our UK Christmas meal on Christmas Day which for us is roast fish, not turkey, with all the trimmings. And Christmas pud.

And then on Boxing Day we lie down and sip water.


Check if you have one of these near to you Meghann … also as Mandy says there will be lots of other stores that will have costumes and haloween decorations.

I once held a Halloween party for adults, great fun and some scary costumes too ! :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp::scream_cat::zombie::vampire:

One year, on Christmas Eve… we gave a neighbour a lift to “midnight” Mass in the nearest town… and he invited us to call in on his mother afterwards…

Well, she was at the service as well… when it ended, she hugged us and said… give me a few minutes to get home… and legged it down the street…

When we arrived… we were led into the dining room… where a full meal was prepared… How we managed to munch through 5 courses in the early hours, I have no idea… but it was about 5am before we managed to decently excuse ourselves… We left the neighbour there with his Mum… and drove very slowly home… hic… hic…

Our planned Christmas Dinner was “put on hold” until Boxing Day…

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Christmas Celebrations were to be cancelled at the Primary School for 2018… but, thankfully the decision has been over-turned.

I should hope so too.
We cancelled our direct debit to the Red Cross when they stopped people putting cribs in their shop windows.

Don’t forget the kids in UK can write direct to Father Christmas/Santa