Chronopost / DPD demanding for import duty

The UK, poor bastards, are still in denial. Why would anyone not want to keep their business in London :roll_eyes:
Unfortunately, they are still living in the past - days of the Raj and the Empire et al :wink:

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The other way which is sometimes appropriate is to get something (bought from a UK seller) sent to the depot of a removals company who routinely moves between UK and here. As long as the item is reasonably small there is little chance of it getting picked out. Talk to such a carrier to see where they stand on helping out and their general attitude.


I presume you meant to say “were deceived by Brexiters’ propaganda”. Could you please confirm?

Yes, I’m trying to figure that one out too - did Remainers have a bus that told lies too?

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I don’t know whether Ken meant “Remainer propaganda” or not - certainly there is the idea amongst Leave supporters that the concerns raised by Remain supporters which did not immediately come to pass on June 24 2016 were, therefore, lies.

So, this narrative built up that “Remainers were just as bad” - it isn’t true as I don’t recall a single instance of a Remain claim being demonstrably false. Unlike the £350m on the side of a bus - Johnson knew that wasn’t the right figure but put it there anyway (and many other instances of Leave lying or making misleading claims).

The main reason that the negative effects of Brexit did not immediately appear was, of course, that we did not actually, completely, leave until the beginning of 2021.

It seems that many, indeed most, of those concerns were actually true.

To take a small example: EU roaming charges was one of the worries claimed as a “Remainer lie” - oops, it wasn’t a lie, was it? It is actually happening.

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I wrote and edited my original msg in haste. What I meant was that millions were deceived by the lying gang led by a certain New York chap with unruly hair,

As one of my fellow expats commented earlier today: “Are Hancock, Johnson and co being paid to persuade us that we should apply for French citizenship without delay?”


We voted to leave, living in the past won’t change it. I and many others voted to leave and deception wasnt involved.
It may make people feel better by blaming the stupidity of the voters, but if the case to remain was so strong why weren’t à majority of voters pursuaded?
Begs the question… Why are you importing from the UK?

Out of curiosity - why?

And would you still make the same decision now knowing what a disaster it is and how badly it has impacted so many peoples lives both in the EU and in the UK?

And if you would make the same decision what are the benefits that you see for having done it?


See my earlier comment

So far as some tech items are concerned, I have longstanding relationships with suppliers dating back to the years when I played a lead role in areas such as publishing systems and web strategy. But I’m not a techie – I suppose you would class me as an expert user in my fields, so English-language support from people who know me and my system etc can be important.

2 - From time to time I have come across special offers and “sales” which made UK pricing competitive… But obviously no longer.

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@john_kersley An administrative matter if you don’t mind. Please complete your registration by giving your first name and last name as per site T&Cs. You seem to have your short unique User Name and your full name the wrong way round.

I’d ask the same question, and the supplemental questions that Tory asked.

You say deception was not involved - so why did  you vote Leave? Especially as to do so makes it impossible for others to enjoy the freedom to live and work anywhere in the EU from which you benefited to live in France.




Really :face_with_raised_eyebrow::roll_eyes:, so project fear wasn’t used at all and you would vote again to leave knowing how much the people were lied to about how everything would be wonderful and there would be no disadvantages to leaving
The deal was and is a mess with everything just getting made up as they go along, Boris just wanted a deal at any cost so he could get elected and damn the consequences, he is only in this to line his and his mates pockets, to massage his massive ego and could not give a feck about the British people.
Name any real benefits for the British people due to Brexit.


They always have, some sneaked in from China but other than that its always been payable and now the UK has joined the 3rd countries due to short sighted 2 brain celled easily conned …
The pool testers I used to sell come from the USA and the odd smartass imported theirs direct to save a couple of pounds but then got a shock when duties and handling charges were applied and to top it off no warranty whereas EU supplied ones had full 2 year warranty.
Stupidity isnt anything new, just ask Pratt Handcock.

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People were lied to by professionals like Johnson and Gove. Their mendacity was backed up by a mainly Eurosceptic media. Sadly the Remain arguments focussed on the negative aspects of leaving rather than the benefits of staying a part of the bloc and helping to lead it. Project Fear was a master stroke of propoganda which undermined any attempt to warn of the consequences of leaving, many of which are all too evident now.
I think rather than stupididy, people were naive and disinterested in the detail. At the point of leaving there was a majority for remaining in the EU which continues to grow.
It was very telling that the people were never allowed a second vote.

I just wonder.
In a former life I had a very good client who was best described as a super-salesman with a hugely successful direct sales team under his wing. One of his pet themes was avoiding what he described as “post buyer regret” which would have impacted badly on his business model if purchasers later retracted from the deal (which they were entitled to do within a specified period from sale, controlled by legislation) meaning that he would have to return the deposit his team had taken from the client.
It seems to me that those who continue to sing about the so called benefits of Brexit are suffering from post buyer regret, they just can’t accept the huge mistake they made in signing up to the “deal” so try to obliterate it from their mindset by blaming everyone else - if only because, like in the sales pitch, they have lost the chance to turn the clock back - it was never their fault.

Being rude or insulting doesn’t help your cause. Remainers may have been right, I happen to believe the leave arguments were more pursuasive. The fact is more people voted to leave than remain and we are unlikely to know, if ever, who was correct for at least 10 years. In the mean time get used to it and rather than complain try and make it work.

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@john_kersley As outlined earlier, an administrative matter if you don’t mind. Please complete your registration by giving your first name and last name as per site T&Cs. You seem to have your short unique User Name and your full name the wrong way round.


I see Alex Polizzi aka the hotel inspector also voted leave and now acknowledges the hotel industry is suffering staffing problems already.
So is it insulting to say a lack of foresight has proven what remainers knew. When I spoke to a very good economist, they informed me that leaving was so stupid on so many levels.

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The UK was in an enviable position on the periphery of the EU and enjoying ease of trade many nations would give an arm and a leg for. We know who was correct - no need to wait. We are losing £ billions. Look at our services - once our biggest earner. As for making it work - well we just have to put up with it but we’re not going to smile sweetly and wave a flag. Is it not considered odd by pro - leave proponents that almost every other European country wants to be a part of the EU. It’s far from perfect but a hell of a lot better than the alternative we’ve been saddled with.

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