Citronella, does it actually deter insects?

I remember one chap in the Scouts you could smell him arriving, didnt seem to deter many insects. What do others think?

I use plug-in ones in the bedroom because mosquitoes buzzing around in the dark inches from my ears really annoy me. I have no idea whether they just move away from the citronella or die but for me the citronella works as I donā€™t get disturbed or stung when Iā€™m asleep. I donā€™t like using them but couldnā€™t get through summer without them.

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In my experience citronella doesnā€™t work and neither do the plug-in repellers but perhaps northern insects are made of tougher stuff? :rofl: :rofl:

I use insectivorous plants - sundews (drosera) for mosquitos and pitcher plants (sarracenia) for flies and mosquito nets on allthe windows!

I fell for a lot of b/s for a mozzie repellant made from ā€˜genuine Javan citronellaā€™. As if the rest are pants. It was rubbish.

ā€œAs supplied to the English Cricket team tour of the West Indiesā€ Supplied? They probably just bunged them a couple of cases gratis.

Because my tour of the W.I. - Port of Spain, Trinidad to be precise - resulted in dozens of bites all over me - absolute misery - until I got the real stuff out - high concentrations of Deet.

We find citronella candles work- but itā€™s probably just the smoke TBH.


Define ā€œworksā€. Yes the coils/candles do reduce the numbers - but they donā€™t create a mossie free zone

Some people swear by the personal sprays - personally didnā€™t rate them - compared to a good chemical repellent theyā€™re pants.

Cant define as its too restrictive, rather have like yours what people have experienced.

Regarding citronella burners, maybe there are some brands that work and others that donā€™t? Any Iā€™ve bought were hopeless. However some years ago I attended a party in a Cairo apartment which had enormous sliding doors onto the balcony (first floor so almost at street level). The host had put a single citronella coil slow-burning thingie in the middle of the wide open doors (about 20 feet of an opening?) and it kept us mozzie-free for the whole evening. Iā€™m not sure if the same burner lasted all night or if it was replaced but there was only ever one burning (one at a time, that is). Normally, Iā€™m the unlucky one the mozzies find and devour, but not a single bite that night . . . . . . .

Weā€™ve got a slow-burning coil thingy and it does seem to be more effective than most - donā€™t think itā€™s citronella though :thinking:

Citronella costsā€¦ so , being cheapskates (low budget association)
we have used coffee grounds, smouldering, when doing evening, outdoor village mealsā€¦
seems to repel various fliers including wasps and mozziesā€¦

I have a large jar all prepared for this summerā€¦ :+1:

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Those are great used outdoors in the terracotta lidded pots you can get for them.

Donā€™t let them smoulder away uncontained and unsupervised.

Must give off a pleasant aroma?

no-one complainsā€¦ :+1:

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Iā€™ve started to notice a few mossies around, so will be out with the plug in things with bottle of ā€˜liquidā€™ as they work very well for me, even though not so fond of having them in the bedroom. Also use a repellant spray that works well that I discovered when I was travelling alot to India. Having said all that, recently purchased some citronella essential oil to see if I can find a more natural way of fending them off this year!

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Thatā€™s interesting @letsmile . I changed from the older version with the smoke-generating tablets, much used in camping when I was younger, and found that they didnā€™t seem to work at all for me. Perhaps it depends on the brand :thinking:

The dreaded jungle-strength protection sprays do but they are horrible, and the (chemical) spiral smoke things for outside also work to some extent, but nothing else. Itā€™s why I started growing carnivorous plants :rofl:

Last year, with a mass arrival of tiger mossies, we tried citronella spirals which were pretty good. We then couldnā€™t find them and I got some raid ones which were hopeless. We then started the coffee grounds as suggested on here and found that very good. This week Iā€™ve started drying my grounds in preparation. I was doing some reading the other day and a suggestion I found was to use their breeding cycle against them. They have a 7-10 day cycle apparently so if you put out water for them, they lay then you tip it out day 7! Iā€™m going to give it a go!


thanks for the 7day tipā€¦ Iā€™ve been replacing every few days, certainly more often than once a weekā€¦ now I can save a little of the precious liquidā€¦ :wink:

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Nothing precious about it round here at the moment! :roll_eyes:


Those are what I use. You can also get huge ones to hang up which are a conical coil.


Just like in a Chinese temple! :izakaya_lantern:

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