Climate/ecological breakdown

Wow, now that’s scary :scream: it can be a dangerous world out there! As long as there’s money to be made, there will always be manipulation unfortunately - generally, people’s behaviour unfortunately changes when money is involved, and motivations become blinkered to any harm that may be caused to others. Sad but true, but as long as you realise that, imo, you can navigate through! It’s the folks that don’t fully realise that, that I worry about.

Seems I’m not alone…

(The headline is mischievous - Guardian Clickbait - the article is actually about the decline of meat-eating in Europe, how this sits with culinary traditions, ruffles meat industry feathers, and therefore makes life difficult for politicians.)

Except the decline isn’t big enough or swift enough.

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“Alberto Garzón, was engulfed in a national row last July after calling on his compatriots [to eat less meat]“Eating too much meat is bad for our health,”

Not true, unless they are all referring to the additives that processed food has, which applies equally to vegetarian/vegan food.

Another great article, By George!

This one exposes the cynical way big business is using carbon off-setting to continue environmental destruction - and its dishonesty: “there is simply not enough land on Earth to soak up corporate greenhouse gas emissions”.

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In the same vain we could run BS offsetting for rare occasions they tell the truth vs …
Incredible that anyone could swallow offsetting.

Ultimately, I think it was introduced simply as a bit of a cash cow, and the culprits commiting the most damage simply pay their way out of it, meanwhile possibly reducing profit marginally! Of course conversion to more environmentally friendly paractices can’t happen overnight, but it’s been going on for years now. Now wondering just what will swing the balance :thinking:

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The need for green tech to generate our most basic electric needs requires massive battery storage. The great thing is the speed of the development and lower impact chemistries. Electricity and heating are the prominent to my way of thinking for us masses. I heard the other day that 60% of world shipping is for all the gadgets and items made to be distributed. The other 40% was just to supply oil and gas! These ships use the worst poluting fuels.

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The way microchip shortages are going it might not be much of a problem for long.

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And especially if China move in on Taiwan :scream:

We’re thinking about taking a cruise but the fuel usage is scary, the world’s biggest cruise ship gets through 2000 gallons of diesel an hour at full steam.

Cruising is really destructive in lots of other ways too - popular ports of call like Barcelona and Venice are all considering or actually banning cruise ships, partly on environmental grounds, but also because they are so physically and socially disruptive - dumping thousands of tourists all at once that clog up attractions but generate little local income, because the accommodation, meals, etc, are all sold onboard the ships.


Disgusting excess. Should be scuttled.

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A super tanker doesnt measure in gallons for obvious reasons. They use 40 tons getting out of the harbour!
Obviously a less once they are moving but still huge amounts of pollution.

They won’t run out of fuel though :yum::laughing:

Apologies for taking this down a scatalogical path, but on browsing through the posts on here I found myself thinking it’s a damn shame we can’t just turn our own crap into energy. So, like any broad-minded seeker of wisdom, I decided to Google, “can human shit be used for fuel?”. This is what I found:

Quite fascinating and, given how much of the stuff gets produced every second of the day, quite inspiring.

Take this for example:

“Dried and charred faecal sludge, meanwhile, has energy content similar to coal and charcoal.”

Barbecue anyone?

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A friend of mine used to pick up after her children when she was housetraining them (they went around with nothing on their bottom half but gumboots) and bung it in her woodburner that’s if her collie hadn’t got to it first and eaten it.

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So far Boris is heating 5 housing estates on his own!

The ‘nomads’ in Outer Mongolia (who were not pathless wanderers, but herders that needed to move systematically across vast areas of the steppe because of its poor nutrition) habitually used their animals’ dung for fuel, because it was pretty much all there was. Apart from their own, of course.

He’s a witch - burn him?

