Climate/ecological breakdown

“Modern industrial-scale agriculture has proven incompatible with the structure and function of natural systems. To reverse the abusive practices that are undermining the long-term health of the land, humans, and non-human species, a new agricultural paradigm that mimics rather than contradicts ecological principles is urgently needed. In this interview, I explore the nature and prospects of such a paradigm shift with Wes Jackson, founder of The Land Institute and a leader in advancing research in and public understanding of ecological agriculture.”

Thought I would make your day @Geof_Cox
Not an article from The Guardian but from that other well known rag the Rodney & Otamatea Times


Nah, just scaremongering! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Brilliant JohnBoy! - Thanlyou.

The serious point is, of course, that the fossil fuel companies knew they were trashing the environment, but tried to hide it. It is an exact parallel with the tobacco and pharma multinationals that knew their products were killing people but not only continued selling them, but tried to hide the truth - and are now being prosecuted for it.

This is the really big nettle we have to grasp…

Large populations will need to migrate, and not simply to the nearest city, but also across continents. Those living in regions with more tolerable conditions, especially nations in northern latitudes, will need to accommodate millions of migrants while themselves adapting to the demands of the climate crisis.

The potential prize is huge. Not just truly affordable energy, but an end to the climate crisis that threatens us all and the fossil-fuelled regimes that oppress so many.


The incumbent administration of the UK have started down the fracking route again, the self serving b******.

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The Times: Ban swimming pools to tackle water shortages, say French Greens.

Just putting a cover on the pool saves water.

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Nevermind @Corona - soon everybody will be living by the sea anyway…

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I’m glad I went to the Maldives when I did , probably wont be around much longer🤔

It is to be renamed the Mal-dives

Should have been the Bon - dives

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I speculated in another thread that one of the drivers of division in the UK Tory party is that social echelons that would previously have been firmly in the establishment camp - senior people in the professions, for example - are being moved left simply by evidence and logic: climate/ecological breakdown can’t be mitigated via capitalist mechanisms.

This is I think evidence of that drive:

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The other one about food is “If it keeps, throw it out. If it goes off, eat it before it does”


I heard about this one.

Looks like she’s trying to get attention, or start some sort of culture war, because nobody I know* thinks “manger une entrecôte cuite sur un barbecue [est] un symbole de virilité”.

  • maybe one chap, though we never discussed it, but he’s no longer with us.

I’m not so sure Porridge.
Don’t you think there is a bit of a macho thing about eating big steaks, etc? And the hottest curries?

I suppose men have bigger appetites, on average, than women do (excluding the recent occasion when, staying at an hotel for a wedding in the south of England, Mrs P learned that she could upgrade her continental breakfast to a Full English for a fiver, and promptly did :grin: )

I imagine Rousseau wants to discredit barbecuing for ecological reasons. It seems strange to link barbecuing to virility (at least she didn’t say “toxic masculinity”), though I couldn’t read all of the article because of the paywall (but I checked what was in the Guardian).

Why not just say, “Barbecuing is bad for the environment”?

As someone who has never in his puff been accused of being macho (or even of virilité!), I imagine some men do link manliness with danger, and - at least when I barbecue - there is a very definite element of danger. Men are more likely, on average, to choose to do dangerous things than are women. That’s just how humans are, isn’t it?

Maybe I’m just overthinking a remark she made without thinking enough!


I have the solution! Maybe there can be a campaign to promote just how manly some vegetables are!


Esther Rantzen used to show a few on her tv prog