Climate/ecological breakdown

I remember talking about future water wars at the time of the first Gulf War. It seemed urgent even then.

I went to a short course held by thames water about how they see the supply for the London area developing over the next few years. All well and good the gov building more and more hives for the little worker bees to come back to after a day at the office but there isnt the water supply or the treatment plants to cope going forward and thats before they just discharge the waste into the rivers. See how the new super sewer works out. Much like solar, we will probably be harvesting our own supplies soon. Dont you just love progress.

We may be in for a rough ride in the next few years drought wise according to this research.

Ironically, it’s related to melting Greenland ice pouring cold fresh water into the Arctic ocean. The same thing that may cause a weakening or collapse of the AMOC (Gulf Stream) and lowered temperatures in Europe.

Add that to NASA’s prediction of high solar radiation in 2025-6 and we are all going to die, on a Tuesday. :joy:

Further info about the charlatans who’ve been slowing down changes to a low carbon future.

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Yes, quite bewildering.

Perhaps they didn’t consult all the steakholders.

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Don’t mince your words

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Cut it out you lot or you’ll get the chop.

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Its just a ribbing, no problem :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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There’s always something to beef about…

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Offaly bad article if you ask me.


Well, they’ll be cheesed off…

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Do you think they chickened out?

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Was that off the hoof?

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More excellent info from George Monbiot.

2024 continuing to break even last year’s records

I wonder when people will “get it”?

When its far too late :sleepy:

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