Computer Virus Threat, whats everyone doing?

Just thought I would ask if there was a general idea of the overall best way to protect the computer with this new virus threat that's supposedly heading our way. I am on windows so have installed a new but free anti virus "Antivir" and reinstalled spybot which I thought I had but found I didn't. Any other suggestions before our on-line banking goes off the grid?

Hi Claire

Windows Defender (for Windows 8 if you're unfortunate enough to be running this OS) AKA Microsoft Security Essentials for W7 and earlier, is perfect and FOC for the windows operating system. It's updated daily and as a Windows user have never looked back since it's installation (which is more than I can say of Spybot, Norton, Mcaffee and numerous other free Antivirus systems which basically 'jammed' up my pc..

There are so many 'freebies' some good, others rubbish or 'teasers'.

Windows have their own.....

There's a whole page or two or 3 - have a look!

Thank you for that I do keep up to date with AV and Windows and scan daily, but I decided to change my free AV just to see if it would catch anything else, it did. Spybot caught the most nasties but then it wasn't on the computer when I thought it was so 4 months of not having it counts . I have ad block , firewall and and I will have a look at malware. Love an effective freebie.

Keep your PC up to date, this means Windows, AV and Java. You could also install the free version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and run that occasionally. If you install something new, check it isn't offering to install other freebies and most importantly don't open attachments or links sent by people you don't know or trust 100%

The only reasonably safe way to protect yourself is by having an AV with frequent and the latest updates. free ones tend not to be so on the ball. Even they will say there is no absolute safeguard, a new virus or any other kind of malware can appear one day and infect a lot in a few hours leaving many individuals through to large organisations vulnerable. Part of the process is looking carefully at what you receive and if in doubt sup it into spam and always keep your spam folder(s) empty. Some of the more knowledgeable computer folk will probably pick this up later and go into far more detail that I can but the bottom line will always be vigilance. As for banks going offline - if they are vulnerable then what chance do we little minnows have in comparison?