Cona siphon coffee maker

I came across a reference to a Cona coffee maker in a Josephine Tey novel yesterday.

They’re very attractive.

Has any member of the team ever used one, or drunk coffee made with one?

Bonus: here’s a great video I found.

There was one in the kitchen chez my great-grandmother. I don’t think the coffee was anything special. It was nice to watch it doing its thing though.

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Even more satisfying is the Belgian Family Balance version, which includes automatically turning off the spirit burner.

I picked one up at an auction years ago but have used it only a couple of times. It was a huge hit with guests as it went about its mysterious process. The poor thing just sits as a curio on top of my Must use it more often. Mine has an electric heating element rather than the normal spirit burner.

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Now I can see why God invented Nespresso for us… :rofl:


I am sûre one was referred to in Jill’s Gymkhana…

No glass ever survives too long here. So big glass balls taking up loads of space? That’s taking coffee ponciness a bit too far.

I am giving some thought to investigating coffee percolators though. Apparently they suit some coffees, economical in terms of amount of coffee used and a lot more caffeine yield.


That takes me back. My father had one of these. It was a piece of theatre that he liked to perform for visitors ! The coffee it made was just like coffee.

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Just watched the video. The process should be a lot quicker and more dramatic than that. The seal between the two containers is crucial and his repair with electrical tape clearly isn’t up to the job. Why he didn’t order a new seal is a mystery. I’m sure the adhesive on the tape added a certain je ne sais quoi to his brew.