Cooking Apples

I,m sure I have seen something on this before but could not find it. I want to plant a cooking apple good old Bradley not available here so please can anyone advise me a type available here in France

We have found the name of the nursery in UK.

The website is .

I hope this helps.

My husband cannot remember where he bought the trees, but he got the information via Google.,apple-tree-belchard-chantecler,0106,EN

lists suitable pollinators. Includes Golden Delicious which as it is sold ripe in France unlike the bright green bags of acid sold in UK as Golden Delicious is not a bad apple. Makes good french style tartes.

Have you a web site for anyone willing to send Bradley’s to France please

Re apple chanteclerc do you know if it needs a pollinator

There are places in UK which will send out fruit trees to France. We have a Bramley which is doing very well in dour new orchard.

Chanteclerc is a very nice cooker and less so eater. James Grieve does well here in the South West. My sister in law lives in Southwell, home of the Bramley, but familial affections don't extend to liking the Bramley. It's a bit of a one trick pony for me. Still better than the dreaded Granny Smith quoth he damning with faint praise.

The only decent cooking apple that we have found in France is Chantecler.

My mum had one brought over when she moved, and it bears lovely fruit.

Unless I have missed it by a barn door, there doesn't seem to be an eater/ cooker category in France for apples.

The beauty of good old Bramleys is that they self puree, so to speak.