Correcting Wrong Property Info on Tax website

I know this has been discussed in another thread but can’t find it, so starting a new one.

The original thread was useful in that it discussed that you can see the total size of your property on the impots.gouv site.

I’ve just checked ours and it looks to me like they have mis-counted the number of rooms for both our main house and our cottage/gite. In both cases the number of rooms shown on the site is more than we actually have.
We have a very dilapidated woodstore which has its own tax number - really?
And we have another (pretty dilapidated) “hanger” which at the moment is not shown at all.

Anyone know please how to get this sorted out? Thanks Sue

I believe you need to fill in a form H1. The tax office will then recalculate the tax based on the new figures.
Does the number of rooms matters? I thought it was simply the total habitable surface area that has to be calculated, and I believe the function also comes into the equation eg bathrooms are not treated the same as living areas for tax purposes
The danger is that any recalculation may result in the tax going up instead of down. It sounds as if your calculation may not have been updated for some time.
That is the sum total of my thoughts on this and I would be interested to know more.

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If you check on the Impots online… I suspect the woodstore is classed as a Dependancy (of your Main House or gite) and will have its own tax number merely as identification…
Even if the woodstore sits on a different parcel to your property (check the cadastre if unsure), that would be understandable.

Depending on how the Hangar is built… (ie how Open it is… ) there might not be any need for it to appear… (ie not actually a building… ??)
Does the plot on which it sits appear as Non-Batie on the back of the TF bill… if it is on a separate plot, of course…

there are many twists and turns… I’m sure you’ve no problem.

re the number of rooms… talk this through, quietly , at your Mairie… (well, that’s just my advice, of course… )

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I agree. And I know that bathrooms etc don’t count. But that doesn’t explain how they get MORE rooms than we have, which would imply they are overestimating what is our habitable space.

Interestingly @Stella the hanger is MORE of a building than the woodstore. Hanger and woodstore are both on their own separate bit of land. And the hanger certainly is on a separate parcel as we bought it later along with the land around it when our (then) neighbouring farmer was selling his fields.

I think this is going to take a bit of working out.

Are they in fact overestimating your habitable space? It shouldn’t be too hard to check before you raise it with them since if you open this subject you will have to measure up.
If it used to be two small rooms and they have been knocked into one to make one larger room, they would think you have more rooms than you do have, but the habitable space would be the same.
As far as I know, it would not have been necessary for the person who changed the internal layout to notify the tax office if there was no change to the habitable surface area.

Thanks for the thoughts. In fact at no point has the number of rooms changed. In the case of the main house probably for a couple of hundred years.

Interestingly, the habitable space has got smaller because what was “just” a bedroom has had a wet room and dressing room carved out of it. Neither of which count.

If you check that purchase doc… was the hangar shown on the cadastre extract you would have been given… (and… does it show nowadays on the current cadastre?? )…

Also, the online site does say it is a few years behindhand… just a thought

Is the hangar classed as an agricultural building? If so, no tax may be due as long as its use is not changed.

According to the section on the impots website with all the details of our property on, the surface area is the area between the walls and not the habitable area (which was what I needed to quote for planning purposes - confusing… What it says is -

La surface affichée est la surface réelle (sauf indication contraire).
La surface réelle est différente de la surface habitable ou de la surface dite “Loi Carrez”.

  • la surface réelle se calcule de mur à mur ;*
  • la surface habitable se calcule de mur à mur mais certaines zones sont déduites (les surfaces dont la hauteur sous plafond est inférieure à 1,80 m par exemple) ;*
  • la surface dite “loi Carrez” est spécifique aux biens en copropriété : c’est celle qui est affichée dans les annonces immobilières.*

Je constate que la surface de mon local n’est pas correcte. Comment puis-je faire pour la rectifier ?
Toutes les informations concernant votre bien que vous jugez manquantes ou erronées, peuvent être demandées ou contestées (par mail, par courrier ou sur rendez vous) au service des impôts foncier du département dans lequel se situe votre local.

Regarding number of rooms it counts, bathrooms are included but laundry rooms are not…

Attention, le nombre de pièces au sens foncier est différent du nombre de pièces communément utilisé par les agences immobilières (T1, T2, T3…).
Il s’agit des espaces cloisonnés, destinés à être utilisés pour y séjourner, y dormir ou y prendre les repas (cuisine, salle de bain, chambre, séjour,…).
Les dégagements, les pièces annexes (entrée, buanderie, dressing…) et les dépendances (caves, garage, grenier…) ne sont pas comptabilisés…

Thanks @AngelaR . I misread it! I thought bathrooms were excluded. Still only makes 6 rooms for the cottage and they are saying 7. House: that matches if we include bathrooms.

@Sandcastle The hanger was an agricultural building, now it’s just somewhere we store stuff.

I’m coming round to the view it’s not worth querying. Let sleeping dogs lie. Looks like we might be paying 46€ for the woodstore - if I’ve understood the TF form properly.

If you have bever applied for a change of use, it will still be designated as agricultural and those are the rules that will apply.


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That sounds about right, Sue - we are paying a little bit extra for the extra parcelle we bought a few years back. Thanks to Stella explaining what the back of the tax fonciere form meant, I feel more confident in talking to the tax people (which I shall have to do shortly when the builders do the next little bit of improvement…)

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