Cost of living crisis solved...... just earn more money

Totally agree and I make that point to our newly elected Tory MP.
My last missive was headed ‘The Invisible Man’.
Lets hope that Sue Grey’s report will be more revealing than that of the Met a total whitewash.

Nadine Dories has refused to be interviewed by Channel 4, who have a real interest in what will happen to them if she has her way.
She should stick to writing bad novels.


That’s not what I’m suggesting at all Geof but spouting off day after day about the same subject leads to a ‘disengagement’ of discussion. This thread could have been steered in a different direction ie ‘how people can cope with the cost of living crisis’ but clearly all some want to do is continue with the usual rant - ‘the UK government is crap’.

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It could indeed Tim, why didn’t you do that?

If you don’t like my “spouting off”, do yourself a favour and don’t read it, because until Cat or James tells me to stop I’ll be spouting away, whether you like it or not. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I tried John but the response I got from you was to accuse me of being a Tory apologist for the millionth time.

I don’t doubt it, it’s one thing taking an interest in the land of your birth but you and others are absolutely obsessed by Johnson and his bunch of muppets, the hilarious bit though is that you can do sweet FA about it so all your ‘cutting and pasting’ of newspaper articles is a complete waste of time, whatever floats your boat as they say.

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Look Tim, if “we” want to be obsessed let us at it. It’s no skin off your nose. Now, where’s that new thread on

I think that could be a very interesting discussion, especially in light of this

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BTW Tim, more grist to my anti Tory mill…… It just keeps on coming.

After the 37 billion of our money they wasted on test and trace they should know bettter but hey they are not that bright.

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RISHI SUNAK and his wife entered The Sunday Times Rich List for the first time today, with a joint £730 million fortune, as the Chancellor continues to refuse support for poorer households.

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It’s not a ‘pop’ at the tories. It’s a commentary on what these bastards are doing.


Well why don’t you start one?


So it’s not criticism but merely a commentary, my mistake. :grinning:

I’m still puzzled Tim. I accept you didn’t mean to suggest we shouldn’t comment on events in other countries, but should desist from criticising the UK government - but I still don’t get why you (and a few others), rather than simply expressing your disagreement, want to control other people’s activity.

I’ve come to think I use SurviveFrance very differently from some. I don’t read every thread or post - I just head straight for what interests me, and ignore the rest. I don’t feel any desire at all to complain about threads or posts (unless of course they are personal attacks or hate-speech - actually I’ve never flagged any of those either, but I do agree with James’ and Cat’s policies on them). Live - and let live!

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It’s been made clear that the deluge of ‘anti UK government’ threads is a vital commentary on ‘what these bastards are doing’ as their antics have a profound affect on our day to day lives, I will therefore say no more and let Mr Scully pound away free from criticism and comment.

Keep digging Tim :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Now, where’s YOUR new thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Should have gone to Specsavers.

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Just came across this exchange over the secrecy of the ERG membership, despite its public funding.

Well I can see Tim’s thread and am about to answer in it

:joy: That’s great. I’ll have look around for it now.

(BTW, I am a customer of Specsavers, opticians here are very expensive, even with the few bob the Mutual throws in).