Covid-19 New rules

I am flying from Nice Airport to the U.K. on February 22 and would like confirmation of the new Covid-19 rule.
I am vaccinated and booster jabbed.
I believe I no longer need an Antigen test on arrival, but do I need one to be able to leave France please?
I will have a Passenger Locator Form and a letter stating as far as I know I have not been in contact with anyone with Covid.
Is there anything else I need other than my passport.

You need proof of your vaccination status!

But that should be it.

To leave France it depends where you are going as to what you might need.

You don’t need a test to leave France, but some carriers (air India for example) require a pre flight test from som locations.

Your airline should confirm travel requirements.
No test to leave France, have proof of vaccination status and no Day 2 test after arrival in UK.

Thanks for the confirmation Sarah.

But coming back to France, is there still that newish rule that anyone over 65 has to be able to prove they had a booster and it was less than 4 months ago?

Any news on France dropping the pre-arrival test?

That’s not correct. From the site “Travellers aged over 18 and one month who had their full vaccine course over 9 months ago and have not since received a COVID-19 vaccine booster must follow the rules for unvaccinated passengers to enter France (see below).”
If fully vaccinated no problem.

I’m answering @KarenLot :

Where did you see this? I wonder if the reduction in waiting time between 2nd and Booster (from 6 months to 4 months) coming into play… has caused some confusion.

How France decides to manage its own vaccine system is independent of what it requires from foreign visitors as I understand it @KarenLot . If a vaccine pass is acceptable in the country of origin AND France is prepared to accept vaccine passes from that country (which it currently is for the UK) then there is no need to worry.

Further to my answer to @KarenLot higher up,

Karen, In case I’ve misunderstood
Here in France, I know a few (under and over 65’s) who suddenly realized thay needed to get their Booster/Rappel done or their French Pass Vax wouldn’t work after 15th Feb. We were chatting last week…

As I understand things… you are talking about French Residents re-entering France ???
“coming back to France…”

or have I lost the plot :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have had my booster jab so you are saying I don’t need Covid-19 test?

Hi Martin… I’m answering Karen’s query… not yours… I’ll edit my post to remove ambiguity.

You have to have a valid vaccine passport, and they expire if you are not boosted for all over 18’s. So second vaccine expires after 4 months. Once you’ve had the booster/third dose there is no expiry date as currently France are only giving 4th doses to seriously immune deficient.

(Edit: this relates to the French vaccine pass. The UK digital covid pass is different and I think only lasts 30 days)


Exactly right, you don’t! But check rules the day before you fly as they can still change


Yes the UK pass does last 30 days but I think you can convert it to a French one at a pharmacie or have I got that round my neck as usual :smiley: ?

For fully vaccinated arrivals from the UK it was dropped on 12/02/2022.

Good, not that I mind especially but it’s a faff to organise them, especially if they need doing 24 hours pre-travel (I am aware this was relaxed at the beginning of Feb).

Thanks Billy