Covid tests in the UK

You’re right on this one, of course - but they were conned - it is unlikely that leaving the EU will bring back jobs. Not what most would call “real jobs” anyway - stopping Franz from coming over and waiting on table for £6.56 an hour plus tips will not give 50 year old Alan back his job at the Honda Factory in Swindon back, nor pay his mortgage.

As I said being in the EU was not the problem, leaving the EU is not the solution.


Please don’t mistake people disagreeing with you as them saying you shouldn’t express your opinion!


I’d upvote that 1000x if possible.

You have an absolute right to your opinion, you are free to state your opinion. No-one is forced to share it with you.


Absolutely, no matter how wrong it is!


I think you’ve just proved my point!

No, it’s simply that you have failed to persuade Mat that yours is right.

You are absolutely entitled to your views, as it Mat. Bt no-one has a right for their views to be heard or agreed with.

I do agree with you that many Leave voters did so because there was much depravation in the areas which have lost the old jobs in heavy industries, and I also agree that minds are hard to change in those areas.

But, as I said, they aren’t going to get better because of Brexit and might well get worse.

Road transport is now suffering from a huge shortage of HGV drivers and due to Covid there has been no HGV driving tests for many months now, so new blood coming into the industry.
On Farming Today I heard a call for EU drivers to be brought over so that produce growing in the fields can be brought to market.
What produce, we need more EU pickers before it even gets into the packing sheds and how many Brit workers want to do that hard work either?
A disaster from start to finish, but it won’t affect BoJo, or will it when people can’t find what they want on their supermarket shelves?

Well, my discussion about travel to the UK seems to have diverged, that certainly wasn’t my intention.
But while we’re there, I’ll say the only solution to the problem that you are discussing is to encourage young people to learn trades and also to be respected for doing manual work. Schools and parents are just pushing the kids to do further education (and not even in the right subjects that are important). we can’t all be Chiefs, we need Indians too, and if our people can’t or won’t be, the places will be filled by outsiders. And those outsiders are needed in their own countries so it’s not really helping their countries either.
It’s the same situation in the UK and in France.

Europe became rich in the past thanks to a highly skilled and hard working labour force. Now the same situation is helping develop numerous other countries in the world as we start to drop behind. Having lots of youngsters leaving university with degrees in psychology and then not finding a job isn’t the way forward.
And an exodus of their young workforce from poor countries is not going to help those countries develop either.

Hauliage in interesting in that it illustrates exactly the sort of infrastructure problems that previously existed have been made worse by leaving the EU and thrown into sharper relief by Covid.

I don’t recall any “they are taking our jobs” claims for drivers - though pre referendum the industry relied heavily on eastern European drivers. In this case the lack of investment in driver training was largely down to the UK industry - I mean why spend money training UK drivers when Bulgaria and Poland will do it for you.

Then Brexit and Covid hit. The latter, as Jane points out made it impossible to get new drivers tested and the former meant that EU drivers did not want to make journeys to the UK because of the extra hassle and delays (which cost them money).

So, we have take a problem which was there but mitigated by EU membership and made a crisis of it through our own actions.

Comme d’habitude!

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I found your information really helpful but could I just ask if the antigen test from the pharmacy is still acceptable when leaving France ? We travelled out in June and have to return to the UK on 27th July.There is so much about Apps and QR codes that I am struggling with getting the right documents.

Thank you

Yes an antigen test from a French pharmacy is acceptable at the UK border.

Are these charged for?

Yes, they changed the rules, 25€ I think.

Not charged if you’re in the French health system. Otherwise, charged.

Though Mr. Macron did say yesterday tests for travel and leisure (clubs, events, footie matches etc.) will become chargeable to everyone. Tests for medical reasons (contact alert, symptoms) will remain free of charge to those registered in French health system

Thank you Tom

No problem. It’s much easier / less hassle to get tested in France than it is in the UK! Hope your trip goes well

Every time I go supermarket shopping, mostly all other shoppers are not wearing masks, nor the staff.

I’ve just had an email from a friend in London, letting me, and other friends know, by group email, that he has covid……

Seems after beer fest on Friday and my covid jab on Saturday I’ve come down with covid! Just tested myself with an antigen test and it’s positive!!! Felt fine yesterday but overnight felt grotty. The Internet says that a vaccination does not make you test positive so guess I have the real thing. Had the same cough and pesky headache in early 2020.

No Darts for me then this week! And got to cancel my blood donation for next Monday. And now I’ll have no excuse not to dig the garden.

He’s younger than me by a substantial number of years. Covid’s still around, though probably not as dangerous as it used to be viz current evidence, but I shall keep wearing my mask. Flu jab due next week.

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