Hello, we're starting a gourmet mobile restaurant for special events. It will be operating in France and the UK and will be registered as a SARL - a French Limited company, with 4 or 5 associates, two living in France and three in the UK
I wonder if anyone has experience of creating a SARL, and particularly, in having the PROJET STATUT drawn up?
I think the uk equivalent is the LTD company's "CONSTITUTION, aims & objectives"
The documents I have seen are quite woven with legal terminology and can obviously be quite general, like with this online "free" example or more specific for the individual company.
As a family business, and as we are starting out with borrowing nearly all the finance for this, with none of our own to speak of (except around 7,500€ capital investment in "biens" - stuff we own already, like our car & tools, that we are putting up as collateral) we must save on start-up costs whatever we can, so we want to create a statut ourselves.
We've been told by various people that an accountant/comptable will be needed to do it, and will charge 2,000€ for it, and this sounds to me like a massive exaggeration an/or a huge rip off. Bearing in mind the huge number of stories I read about accountants being wrong and getting their clients into all sorts of trouble. Plus, if it can be done online for free, why use an accountant?
PLUS, prepare to be astounded by this - I visited a "juriste specialiste" (supposedly a legal expert) in Poitiers last week, on the advice of my business advisor(who is marvellous - from BGE), any way I ended up at the Chambre de Commerce, trying to ask the question, but came away far worse off, because the first thing she told me, in no uncertain terms, was that I have to go to the Greffe de Tribunale in Poitiers to ask "special permission to be the manager of my own business, because I am not French, nor married to a Frenchman". How utterly ludicrous.
She'd totally made this up - it's NOT TRUE and is not even NEARLY true! She even suggested I needed a carte-de-sejour! (something that crops up regularly with types like her in French authority and ONLY APPLIES TO NON EU CITIZENS!)
I didn't believe her overly much, nor did I believe anything else she told me after that, but for a day or so I was really worried that I had missed something so basic, & I spent quite a while checking various sources before concluding that she had told an outrageous falsehood. I mean, even the Pole Emploi advised me to start my own business 3 years ago! I've since been funded by them & sent on several government -funded business courses and am about to recieve a grant to start it from my communes' local French business office! I've spent 2 years on this!
Anyway, I have now concluded that the advice I receive here is far more valuable.