Currency update for property sales!

Okay, so the promised currency updates haven’t been as regular as I promised but all I can say is that I am not perfect (!) and it’s been a bit hectic at Maison SF!

Anyway, if you’re thinking about buying yourself a French maison for Christmas, there’s some good news on the horizon…

:pound: GBP to EUR – is now at a 30-Month High :chart_with_upwards_trend:

If you’re selling pounds to buy euros, rates have climbed up 2% in the last three months, and have recently hit a 2.5-year high. It’s now the cheapest time to buy euros in over 30 months, meaning it is definitely time to purchase a maison secondaire or move some money around and treat yourself to the swimming pool you’ve always yearned for!

:small_blue_diamond: The European Central Bank’s recent outlook for 2025 suggests a ‘Goldilocks’ year—steady growth that’s neither too hot nor too cold.

Sounds good to me and if you are transferring money, please do use our trusted partner Lumon - the links at the top of the page or you can click here and help keep me in mince pies :pie:


Without wishing to pre-empt Cat, the pound is about to fall, I think, driven by Labour borrowing. This might be a good time to make a transfer while the rates are still reasonable.

But don’t just take my word for it - be sure for yourself before committing your own money.


But we do, and it has just gone down oh wise prophet


Yes I got a few euros less on the pension this week. However the french pension has gone up by 2,2% so might compensate for the loss.

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That’s what the tories would like you to think, however it’s likely more a function of Trump and the dollar. Gilts were certainly up yesterday, however today’s rises have pared back. US treasuries are still rising. Pound and euro have been falling for some time. However the pound remains a much higher level than the Truss / Kamikwasi budget when it approached dollar parity.

And many thanks for posting the pound was about to fall - unfortunately (and not wishing to seem curmudgeonus ) at 7pm yesterday it had already fallen - the first being at 11am (UK) yesterday. Still, we try to beat the market!

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