Damage to shutters - who do I contact?

Hi all. Yesterday morning, the recycling van came around on its weekly collection. The driver reversed and hit the shutters on one of our windows, doing a bit of damage. He muttered something like "the commune will take care of it" and took our business card.

I'm just wondering what to do next. I don't want to leave the matter in the hands of the guilty party. Should I go to the Mairie or whom should I contact? With winter fast approaching, I need to be able to close those shutters and can't due to the damage. I've taken photos, and will try and talk to our neighbours.

All advice and suggestions appreciated.

Thank you to John and Fiona. You are probably right. Henry thinks he can repair it, but I don't fancy the thought of us standing outside in 2C for however long it takes, if an expert can be sent. I think the damage is just to the wood, the metal appears to be ok.

How much damage Sheila? I always think there is a hassle vs cost equation to be considered :-)