Declaring a sold ISA

@anon37731102, and others,
I just wanted to say thank you for posting here on this issue. My (French) OH and I have just spent our usual 3-4 hours poring over the ‘notices’ and the info bubbles and trying to get things right. Even after 11 years here, we still get stuck, especially when things change, but this discussion thread has been very helpful. BUT…

… as usual, we found a sticking point, this time in Section 3 of 2047. The box underneath the one where you declare the value of the investment sold is to do with the reduction for tax purposes applied to the capital gain (abattement) and is only labelled ‘Cadre 3’, no code no. We found this label in the notes, but they didn’t say anything about what value to put into this box.
Does anyone know whether we should put the percentage abattement (due to length of time the investment has been held) into the box, or another piece of information - and if so, what?

FYI we also didn’t come across the section where the ‘Abattements’ are listed, nor the box 3SG, which I presume means that we’ve missed a step somewhere. It’s the first time I’ve cashed in an investment in the UK, so it’s all a bit unknown. Thanks in advance.

You need to complete 2047 section 3 PLUS-VALUES IMPOSABLES EN FRANCE Sans déduction de l’impôt payé à l’étranger.

The deductions are listed on p144 of the full Déclaration des revenus 2021/Brochure pratique 2022
You can go straight to that section

3SG is on 2042C section 3 PLUS-VALUES ET GAINS DIVERS. If you are completing online you will only see it by selecting the appropriate Annex on screen 4 (?) That page has a search box at the top so you just need to input 3SG and it should give you the correct annex to select.

I get the impression that you’re good at this Elsie !!
I bought the Connexion online booklet, but I wasn’t very impressed. It could be very useful for people who don’t understand French, but still want to do their taxes themselves.
Following your instructions, can you confirm (if you know) - To declare this stocks ISA sold last year, I need to go to Annexe 2074CMV and go to étape 2, Phase 1, here I put the plus value in Section 2, boxes A and E. Then in Phase 2, I put the calculated abattement (65% of plus value for more than 8 years). And report all to 3VG and 3SG.
Have I got it?
Do I need to do something about this ISA sale in Annexe 2047 also?

Sorry, I’d missed this.
As it is foreign income, I think you possibly do need to report it om 2047 3 PLUS-VALUES IMPOSABLES EN FRANCE and then carry over to 2042 3VG. Just make sure it doesn’t double the value in 3VG.

And I assume the ISA account is already on 3916 !

2042 is the form for declaring income. The other forms are just worksheets and for supplementary information.

To summerize what I did: To declare the stocks ISA sold last year, I went to Annexe 2074CMV and to étape 2, Phase 1, here I put the plus value in Section 2, boxes A and E. Then in Phase 2, I put the calculated abattement (65% of plus value for more than 8 years). And reported all to 3VG and 3SG.
Then in Annexe 2047, I mentioned it in Section 3 - 30.
I think (hope) I got it right.
Thanks to all of you, especially elsie.
Hope this will help others.