Decoding ordonnance

I am currently treating a slight sore throat with the occasional swig from Fran’s proscribed cough mixture bottle. Not sure if it’s working but it is very tasty. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Sorry, but I don’t feel any need whatsoever!

I wasn’t trying to imply you wanted more exposure to opiates - but I don’t think you have enough data to compare the recreational or medical effects of the two forms of morphine.

Time to consult Mr. Holmes of Baker St. I think…

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More seriously, I think there’d be infinite variables in your hypothetical suggestion.

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True :slight_smile:

Wasn’t cocaine Holmes’ particular tipple?

Yes but he did a lot of comparing things with other things:

Upon the Distinction Between the Ashes of the Various Tobaccos

a monograph upon the tracing of footsteps, with some remarks upon the uses of plaster of Paris as a preserver of impresses

a curious little work upon the influence of a trade upon the form of the hand, with lithotypes of the hands of slaters, sailors, cork-cutters, compositors, weavers, and diamond-polishers

a little monograph upon the subject of the dating of documents

a trifling monograph upon the subject of all forms of secret writings analyzing one hundred and sixty separate ciphers

two short monographs appearing in the Anthropological Journal upon the subject of the human ear

plus no doubt many others unrecorded by the faithful Watson… :smiley:

Interesting relevant article at:-