Hi Does anyone have any experience of using a depot vente? How does it work?
I am assuming it is like a clothes agency where you give them your clothes to sell on your behalf and they take a commission? Who sets the price?
I have a lot of childrens clothes in excellent condition I want to sell but I don't want to sell them at 1-2 euro each at a vide grenier as they are worth more than that. I've seen identical clothes in a depot vente selling for over 10 euro. So I want to try it out but I don't know how it works.
Is it worth doing? Or should I try Le Bon Coin? Again I've seen the clothes on Ebay Fr at prices above 10 euro but I'm put off because of the high postage cost to ship items as well as the Ebay and Paypal fees.
In the UK I just used to sell everything on Ebay but we had the benefit of low postage costs with the likes of MyHermes etc.
So just wondering if anyone has tried a depot vente and how was the experience?
There may be a Facebook page for your area that someone has set up for selling, buying or swapping items. We have just found a few where we are. Much like leboncoin but seems to be more used by expats. We recently put a wanted request out on two local ones and I found what I needed in 48 hours. If there isn’t one in your area set one up! Perhaps a page called items for sale/buy/swap in… Word of mouth works fast and in no time you could have your own little network. You can decide who joins and how far away is practical to be a member. Good luck
I don't know much about children clothes, but I'm French and I'm used to buying and selling used items. So, maybe my opinion will help you.
The best "dépôt-vente" will be the ones that sell only clothes, but most of them don't sell children clothes. Anyway, you need to know that a "dépôt-vente" will charge you half of the selling price, which will be, at the most, half of the purchase price.
So, you will never get more than a quarter of the initial price. If they sell it. And if they accepted it in the first place. Because they frequently refuse clothes they think are not in demand. You also need to know that they will lower the price after a certain period of time and that you'll have to check by yourself, from times to times, if anything was sold. Quite often, people end up forgetting their belongings.
I think you'd get a better benefit with Le Bon Coin, as it allows you ton sell clothes without go-betweens. Furthermore, you'll get in touch with more buyers from your area (you avoid the troubles and costs of shipping), people come to your place (or to a meeting point) and pay you in hand (ask for cash only : "paiment en espèces uniquement").
Hi Suzanne it depends on the depot vente some will offer you 2 different schemes - sell it outright to them for a lower fee OR you leave it with them and they take their commission (you can normally agree a lowest price with them, they will advise as to what they think they can sell for)