Deville 9433 Stove

Hi all,

We have a Deville9433 heating oil fired stove. A simple beast which used to through out considerable heat.

In our first year of permanent residence, we romantically relied solely on open fires and additional blankets to keep us warm during February. Clearly this cannot continue as we grow older.

The stove has an enabled flu which runs runs un through the stairway heating the house. The stove is located in the Sitting Rom.

My problem is that the stove has ceased operating correctly. I believe it may be fuel contamination as the fuel is very old and dirty. I’ve contacted Deville for an authorised repair/service agent, but as yet nothing.

Does anyone know of a service agent in the area or can anyone recomend a publication to guide me through a "self service"

This is all I can find on the net thus far



The flue and stove outlet is good. Fuel flows into the pot but burns at the base rather than evaporating and burning above the rings.

Martin, Can't help much with the servicing aspect, but has the flue been swept within living memory? Are the flue & chimney free of obstructions, e.g. birds nest, twigs & leaves, that sort of thing. As the diagram you linked to shows, there is certainly scope for a fuel blockage, perhaps there's no fuel filter, or it's blocked if there is one. It's worth eliminating the simple things whilst waiting to get some contact with a professional.

Best of luck with it.