Did you get your chimney swept? - Reminder

Never put fireworks in your chimney​:joy::joy::rocket::rocket:


I think if I get my act together and arrange for it to be done when we visit at the end of October/beginning of November 55€ would not be too bad.

Sounds like a plan… but, as I say… check with the Mairie…then you can sleep easy.

Great, that’s one problem less :wink:

The part I was talking about, for those who may have a free standing fire with connection at the rear is called a Té de purge , or Té tampon.

Here is a link to show what I mean …


An unused chimney seems to attract all sorts of things… bats, birds, bees, frelons… you name it and it will probably/possibly have had a go at camping in a chimney… :roll_eyes:

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Aghhhhh, be very , very careful of poking a brush up through a liner.

The liner is made up of a flexible tube that if damaged can lead to a fire. The sweep spotted a damaged liner in our new neighbour’s house. She marked the fact on the ‘insurance paper’ and warned that it must be replaced asap as it was a fire risk.

Leave it to the professionals, after all you wouldn’t pull your own teeth out !

Bet someone comes back to say they do ! :wink:

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Good grief Ann…

I’ve been waffling on about the chimney… and Paul has an insert…oops… unless he wants to dismantle a little bit (reckon not).

Our chimney has a liner… and when that was fitted we were told we could keep it clean but must NEVER use metal brushes… and to pass on such advice to any Sweep… (something like that) in case the metal brushes damaged the liner. anyway… years later… and many sweepings… liner is still in top shape.

We have a T-piece which the Sweep removes to acces the liner… .and a plate to access the chimney… we could do it ourselves, but we’ve not gone that route…worried about damage… and locally Professional Sweeping is the norm…

Apparently1 wood burners need 6-8" diameter round flues so any “traditional” brick chimney will need to be lined if a wood burner is installed - ours is an insert fully occupying the hearth as the fireplace is chunky enough but not exactly massive by Breton standards.

1] You learn something every day - given a little curiosity and access to Google :-)
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Sadly, not everyone follows the right path… many folk “do their own thing” and simply stick a flue pipe a few feet up into the open chimney… regardless … :roll_eyes: We had a liner put in while other work was being done… and a couple of years before we bought the woodburner…

Your fire looks lovely and cheery…:hugs:

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I assume that you could feel that as you pass a brush up - we got a “très bon état” and ticks (or rather crosses - this is France, after all) in all the right boxes :slight_smile:

Great. Glad yours came up to scratch…

A professional will be able to tell if a chimney is lined or not…

Folk who do not follow the norms… may or may not come unstuck… but a professional Sweep will note their shortcomings… and in case of a Fire Claim… that will be an important piece of evidence (no fears, the Sweep keeps a copy)

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Where’s the toasted marshmallows Paul ?

Looks lovely but it’s a tiny fireplace by Berrichon standards ! :wink:

Come on then Ann… that’s throwing down the challenge IMO …

He’s shown you his… are you prepared to show him yours… ?? :joy::thinking:

An elderly neighbour used to sit inside her chimney… I took a photo of her many years ago… as she was still cooking over the open fire in those days… can’t find it… but I’ll keep looking.


I will have to have a dig around in my photos, it was the days before I had a computer or digital camera. When I find some I will scan and put them here.

I am quite prepared to show Paul how tiny his is in comparison to mine ! :rofl:


Looks lovely, especially like the stone wall…could do with hearing some of that sweet sax music being played too !

Do you play on occasions David ? I love listening to ‘live’ music, my partner plays guitar, I’ bang around’ on the drums and we have a great singer. The sax is so evocative …

Looks like an Iron bar under the mantle David?

How beautiful is that wall David!!

Would love to see more pics of your house.

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While we are on the subject of fires, has anyone used one of those fan thingys that work by the heat of the fire and disperse the warm air around the room ?
My French partner has some cold spots, well his room does) but he is very sceptical when I mentioned them.

I play in the privacy of my own home. Several Christmas carols and Auld Lang Syne are in my repertoire so it tends to be out at this time of year. It’s by the woodburner to keep it warm, it sounds horrible when cold.

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