Did you get your chimney swept? - Reminder

I know places where they use them (will be at one tonight)… they work well…

There is a fan on the top right hand side of my woodburner. It’s black against the black background. It’s brilliant, without it the corners of the room don’t get heated, with it they do.

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Can you please post details David ? I would like a link to send to my sceptical mate !

Yes, I am fully aware that our fireplace is a titch - but it neatly fits the room, chunky enough to be obviously Breton but not dominating the space that it is in - we like it. :slight_smile:


It’s easier to see from this angle.

There’s a thermometer next to the lamp on the north side of the room. It’s over 19 degrees at the moment despite being a distance from the fire. It’s never that warm during the summer and would be 13 or 14 degrees without the fan. I will look out the model, it was bought from Amazon.fr.

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Not under but it does now have a steel plate behind it. It was fine ‘broken’ for over 20 years but when I had the new woodburner installed I asked them to secure it.

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Thanks David much appreciated .

Enjoy that cosy lovely room tonight :wine_glass::wine_glass:

It needs to be warm, one of the people coming doesn’t do cold.


It looks to have slightly more heat output than in the house we are about to adopt:

Located on timber floor with no hearth and who knows what fun is to be associated with the flue!


First fire of the winter for our Invicta, we only use it as a back up for the underfloor heating when it starts to get really cold, like today and it is a holiday. :smiley:


I am pleased to know have 2 fires finally in our house:

This one my wife renovated on our kitchen table in UK then we brought it over in the summer:

It started off like this:

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