Diesel prices in England

Don,t think you read my post correctly,that was back in June 2023,when we were paying nearly 2.00€/lit and it was 1.40/lit in UK.Also the price in Spain was much cheaper.There was no reason given at the time as to why we were paying so much.Twenty years ago it was under 1 euro/lit but i don,t know what relevance that has.

Who mentioned 20 years? The French government was acting as a sovereign nation and recouping some of the cost of the Covid years through tax revenue. It chose to do it partly through taxes on fuel, after all it had subsidised fuel for long enough. What other countries chose to do was their business.

I don’t know about all that, all I know is that it is fixed in my mind that on Euro day, Jan 1st 2002, diesel at my local was € 1.70.

Possibly 70c litre. When I came over to start looking for a property early 2003, diesel was 75c/litre

I think you are right, being kind I decided to admit my mistake rather than go back and edit to make you look a mug. :wink: :rofl:

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Here you go:-



We were paying 99.9 cents a litre for diesel in 2016 in at Leclercs on the Ile de Re when we holidayed there.

Moved to France in 2018.

I used to fill my motorbike up for 10 francs back in the carefree days of my youth. So about €1.50. Eheu fugaces!

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