Difficult new landlord

I have moved to a newly converted extension of a family home.
Having been here two weeks i find it time consuming to keep asking for things to be put right.
Painted wooden floor outside is melting in places where maybe a glue was used, so no going outside.
The plumbing under the sink is a spiders web and the sink is blocked so i wash up in the bathroom.
The extractor fan was meant to be plumed in, not done.
There is no sunshine, despite asking and him agreeing, although with melting floor not really relevant.
The washing machine works!
The wifi WORKS!
I pay 600 euro a month and feel cheated.

Sunshade not sunshine there is plenty of that.

Don’t pay, find somewhere else and leave, it’s not difficult.

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There is no landlord as such… as you have no lease… so things are a bit airy-fairy.:roll_eyes:

When there is a lease-agreement both sides have rights…

When you are simply handing cash over to a friend… you have to rely on their goodwill… and I wonder if you realized what you were getting into… :frowning:

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I have been here 15 months David and it has been really difficult to find anywhere, how is it easy, tell me your way of finding a place i am all ears.
Thank you

I cannot leave here as I’m in france to babysit my grandson whilst my daughter is at work.
I will be alright.
Thank you for your kind words

You can leave but you have made the decision not too. That is very different to being stuck. Is your daughter’s work more important than your health and wellbeing?

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Hi Susan,

Yes, it is very very difficult to find somewhere to live.
Are you in the Paris area?
Have you looked at the long term rentals on Air B&B - they can be good for a year or more?
There is also the French equivalent - Chez Nous.
Have you signed a lease and are you getting receipts for rent paid.
Here in France, you must pay the rent whatever happens to avoid an eviction procedure. You must send emails to your landlord that are also very very polite in case anything comes to court. Always show lots of goodwill - it will go down in your favour in the long term.
Now, very important - you can get all the advice you need from your local ADIL. The town hall will give you the address and you’ll need to make an appointment.
Don’t give up - this kind of thing happens all over the world!
I once had a flat in which the wall fell down between the bathroom and bedroom!
Nothing was done but I did win the court case and 5000€ to move to a new flat. In fact I turned to the landlord and asked very nicely for help after a quite lengthy fight through the Tribunal d’Instance.
So don’t give up.
HTH somewhat.
Anna Louise

Hi, when i said I’m stuck I meant in the moment as i couldnt find anywhere else.
Yes just for now my daughter and my grandson come first, i will be leaving on the 1st of October. Thank you

Gosh Anna you have had a run of bad luck, i am so glad it was resolved in the end and i am glad of your positive message.
I have spoken to them, as best i can.
They are helping now, so soon maybe my sink will be unblocked, okay well this week maybe.
Kind wishes sue

Well Manon Kit - how about you visit your local Mairie and ask if he has any places to let ? Sometimes the Mayors have places to let in their commune, if not ask his or her advice.

Manon kit/Englisj

Sorry to bang on about this, but what is your real name? We don’t use pseudonyms or nicknames here.
And how about uploading a picture? It does make it nicer talking to someone when you know their name and what they look like…

Well … we do at least know she is a leave voter whose daughter and grandson are French residents.

Who is your landlord? If he is a local man a visit to the local to view your problems won’t go down well. I used this kind of threat to the builder of our first house here. The next day 13 men turned up.