Difficulty applying for CEAM

For the last couple of days I’ve been trying to apply for a CEAM through my Ameli page and am getting the following message:

Service momentanément indisponible. Veuillez réessayer plus tard …

Any suggestions please what I can do?

I’m being asked if we are travelling in 2 weeks, I’ve tried saying “yes” and I’ve tried saying “no” - neither option works.

Oh dear, that has got a lot of girls into trouble. :roll_eyes:

Sorry. :blush:

Didn’t mean to be frivolous but had simllar trouble some years ago and never found a solution.

I have tried for the last 18 months with the same thing happening to me. I am presuming it is because I do have an ehic card registered in uk. I have just done a bit of digging around and came up with this:-Carte Européenne d'Assurance Maladie although it doesnt exactly mention the problem of not getting a card through AMELI it does say you can get one in person at your local CPAM. Anoher brexit gift that keeps on giving :rofl: :rofl:

Err, are ‘t you on an S1? Need to ask the DWP for UK EHIC/GHIC


Yes we are and yes we’ve got them. I assumed because my ameli site shows me (in red!) that I haven’t got a CEAM card that I needed that as well.


A few years back, my Ameli page was asking if I was going on holiday… and to be sure to have my CEAM… !!!

Oh dear… I twitched nervously and swiftly…clicked away… only to have Ameli then tell me that I’m NOT eligible… and, of course I’m not… silly me for panicking, I’ve got my S1 and EHIC… :rofl: :wink: :+1:

So on the one hand… it’s good that they remind folk… but on the other hand… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:… ooops… for a few of us it can be needless “panic time”

Completely agree with @stella there - you can only get a CEAM if you are contributing directly to the French health care system. As a holder of an S1, it’s the UK who looks after all that (fingers crossed) so in your case, @SuePJ (being pre Brexit etc etc) an EHIC card from the UK is the best you can do!

I do, however, agree that the Ameli website is confusing on that front but then almost their entire user group WILL be eligible for a CEAM card… (we are such a tiny minority, the programmers may not have thought it worth making a special category for us!)


Thanks @JaneJones @Stella and @AngelaR - I’m glad you’ve sorted out my senior moments for me!

I knew these things once but 3 years of “covid brain” means that much has been lost/forgotten. Speaking of which, where exactly ARE our EHIC cards? :thinking:


Better find them quick to make sure still in date!


Good point… just checked ours… OK until 2025… phew… (but noticed the passports run out this autumn… )