Disappointed in French vaccine progress

Sounds like this time they have picked up one of the variants,they will be more vulnerable in person facing jobs

Nope. Mrs Von der Loser fecked it up like she has with anything else she comes into contact with. The main reason is Beaurocracy in triplicate, which is the mainstay of the EU commission. By the time they had chewed the cud, the price had gone up due to the small amounts in relation ordered. Macoroni invested around 70 million in Sanofi/Louis Pasteur institute for research and production only for them to throw in the towel. Why did Hungary buy from Russia and China, because the EU dawdled around. So the main reason is not price.

The tricky thing with that approach is that it is, indeed, blackmail - it is thus impossible to give valid consent to be treated (because consent for medical interventions os supposed to be free will, not coercion).

Not that that will change anything.

If the price had gone up by the time the EU had made a decision how come they bought it at a much smaller price than the UK?

€70 million is not a huge figure, the UK public investment in Astra-Zeneca is nearly three times that. “An additional £131 million investment was announced by UKRI in May 2020, bringing its total investment in VMIC to £196 million”. Investing in new science is never certain. The UK got lucky.

All countries made some mistakes which is not surprising in a new situation. Some have dealt with it with humility. Others haven’t.

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It’s impossible to correctly judge who’s paid more or less (per dose) for any of the vaccines.

The EU pumped 000’s of millions of euros into the development of the Pfizer vaccine and ordered 000’s of millions of doses which reduced the per dose price, the US government did the same for the Moderna vaccine so ended up paying less per dose than the EU and the UK.

I’m not disappointed by the distribution of the vaccine, the reason is simple I haven’t chased around or panicked about having an inoculation ,imagine my surpise when on a routine trip to the doctors for a repeat prescription ,"can you come in for a jab next week ,if you want one."was the request ,"as you are in the next group along with your wife "
Makes you wonder what you are all fussing about :grinning:


I had the same from my MT today in my regular RDV. Almost an aside as I was leaving his room. So, I’m not disappointed or stressed as some are here about it either.

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A lot of our friends have been offered the Astra-Zeneca jab this week…

Is France included on the “poorer country” list for excess available from the UK then? It’s the one my MT is being supplied with :wink:

No France ordered it…and has finally arrived. So a lot of very annoyed people between 65 and 75 who are getting sweet FA.


A very good friend of mine has had the 2 jabs, she is in her mid-fifties though she works in the medical profession, she’s a Psychiatre, maybe they are getting the med profession done first?

Yes, in general.

Perhaps I can assist you to understand a little better.

The ‘fuss’ is about a situation where one’s spouse / partner doesn’t feel so good for a couple of days, and then the following morning is desperately struggling for breath and feels as if they are slowly drowning. The emergency services attend, and rapidly you find yourself following the ambulance vehicle to the nearest hospital only to discover that you are not allowed to enter the emergency treatment area to be with your loved one. The patient is quickly assessed and a decision is made to transfer the patient to a major hospital ICU an hours drive from your home, but there is no need for you to go there because they won’t let you in to be with your loved one either.
So you go home; alone !

Of course that is only just the start of it. The emotions become overwhelming; fear, anger, sadness, guilt, the sense of having been abandoned by the world. Why me, why them ? What did we do, what did we fail to do ?
You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you want the phone to ring and yet at the same time you dread it doing so. Will your loved one survive or die; you don’t know and neither does anyone else. So you pray, even if you have no religious belief you still pray.
You exist in a twilight world of fear, dread, anxiety, self blame, and you cry, and you do that a lot, whilst feeling perpetually cold and shivering with fear.

You hope that your loved one is conscious because that means they are less likely to die, but at the same time you know that being conscious means that they are suffering the same fear and emotional pain as you are. You ache to be there, and they ache for you to be there, and if the worst comes to the worst, then you both want to hold each others hand when it happens, but it isn’t going to be allowed to pan out like that. So you both cry some more.

Of course what makes it even worse is knowing that there is a vaccine out there that would have prevented all this if only you had been able to access it, and that makes you really angry so now you cry with rage.

Basically, the fuss is about death; being left a widow or widower, and all the trauma for everyone that goes with the prospect of a loved one facing death alone.

So please have the vaccine as soon as you can, and in the meantime take every possible precaution of prevention, because the alternative really is a place that you do not want to go.

Oh, and please remember what the fuss is about ----- Death.

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I don’t need lesson in death from you or anyone else .If you didn’t see the smilely face at the end of the comment then hey that’s your problem not mine.

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A couple of weeks ago I lost a friend and work collègue in Manchester from Covid.He was only 35. I wonder what his parents, wife and kids think ´ the fuss ´ is all about ?


I saw the smiley. I realised it was a joke,but thought it pretty insensitive to joke about such things, and then to reply in that tone to someone who has had an obvious devastating experience…


Do you people really think that I 'm not affected ?
Some need to remember that for all your moaning that youwill get vaccinated if you want to.
Maybe you should spare a thought for the millions who won’t.

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Interesting comment in the article

“This anomaly is explained by vaccine type - GPs will be distributing the AstraZeneca vaccine which is easier to use in a community setting, but in France this is not licensed for use on the over 65s. The 65-74 age group will therefore be injected in vaccine centres which use the Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna vaccines.”

I’m sure that the one offered to me yesterday by my MT is the Astra-Zeneca one and I’m under 70 :thinking: