Disappointed in French vaccine progress

Solved… Went to Menu … Freesat tune … now France24 is fine.

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Similar situation oop North too

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All these vaccines have post injection side effects, but it does seem that it is politically correct to make more of the AstraZeneca vaccine than others.

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Since the Hospitaliers were only offered/given the AZ… the high numbers of Hospitaliers off-work afterwards, can hardly be blamed on another vaccine.

Of course not, but the other vaccines also have side effects, which are not being made so much of as the AstraZeneca.

I struggle to understand the attitude of a significant number of the population here,…and even a few SF users. There seems to me to be two scenarios.
a). Most of the population get vaccinated, I would sooner take this route and a chance rather than catching it and becoming seriously ill, and then it is bought under control and life becomes nearly normal.
or b). Vacination rates are low and slow, and on the basis that Covid isn’t just going to go away then to stop its spread there will have to be continuing periodic lockdowns and restrictions for many months…in fact I can’t see a way to avoid this unless a). is adopted with purpose, speed and vigour.

It will be galling to see UK having a summer nearing normality whilst we all here have live pedestrian (grey) lives…masks, no evening socialising, no bars and restaurants and possibly varying levels of curfew.
…sorry but I’m just getting fed up and if France and the EU had got their act by moving faster as group then maybe we would be looking forward to a better summer. I’m getting tired of people defending them…( seems de rigueur to some, just as an unwillingness to give ANY credit to Johnson) because to date they haven’t delivered…circa 50/60,000 vacinations a day is pathetic compared to a rate of 8 times more in UK, Israel and when USA.
Grrrrrrrh, grump ! I’m sure people will say I’m wrong, but “I just want my life back”…to use a famous quote of 2010!

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If the folk who man the hospitals etc… fall ill… due to the AZ vaccine…they are unable to help Joe Public…
which is why this has been highlighted.

…“all adults by the of July” quoted by Handcock today, and according to CovidTracker.fr, at the current rate in France that will be reached in August 2023, despite Macron and Véran saying it would be at the end of summer…I see a torpedo speeding towards Macron’s election campaign
I rest my case m’ Lud.

so why is France the only country reporting this…tired staff finding this the only way to get a few days relief…or am I being disingenuous

The AZ vaccine differs from the Pfizer and Moderna ones in that t uses a live viral vector - an adenovirus which does not normally produce much in the way of symptomatic illness. I suspect some of the symptoms that people are getting are actually due to this virus.

From the first dose (Pfizer) all I had was a sore arm for 48 hours, we’ll see if I get more from the 2nd which is now only just over a week away.

My wife has just had her 1st dose as well.

To be fair John, this is happening in the UK as well but perhaps it is less well publicised for whatever reason. It does feel like the French media is doing it’s best to put people off having the vaccination from what has been posted here.
I had the AstraZeneca vaccine last Wednesday and had a horrible reaction to it. From Wednesday evening for about 24 hours I was very unwell with a temperature of 39.1 centigrade for several hours in the night. It was over quite quickly but had I been working (thankfully it was half-term) then I would have been incapable of working on Thursday even at home. It was more severe than I thought it would be but my understanding is that younger people with a more robust immune system are showing a stronger immune response hence the side effects. I’m still glad I had the vaccine and am looking forward to the second dose in 11 weeks or so.
Izzy x

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Friends in the UK have a full-time carer for their daughter and the carer comes from Africa. She was absolutely terrified of having the vaccine because she had been reading so much on social media and believed it would kill her. She would not have had it but for my friends’ encouragement. Afterwards, she was ill for a few days and my friends’ are pretty certain that much of it was due to her fear. She now, fortunately is very proud of herself for having had it.
If the AZ vaccination is being rubbished all the time by social media, the press and politicans it is perhaps not surprising that people look for symptoms. I realise that it does not mean the experience is any less real to the person experiencing it, but I do wonder. :thinking:


It seems to me you’re comparing apples and elephants here, one is something someone said, with no stats to back up how likely it is, and one is stats based on current performance. Like for like would surely be that both health ministers said that by the end of summer everyone who wants the jab would have had it. Or the stats showing current predictions for both countries.

I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’re saying, but time and time again on this thread your arguments seem to fall down because they’re not actually based in facts, but rather what you think. Who is to say that there will be anymore lockdowns? Perhaps there will but perhaps the government will decide enough is enough and the country can’t take more. Whether that is a sensible move is another debate I don’t need to have, but it’s just as possible as your notion that if we don’t all have a vaccine by next week we’ll all be in lockdown for the next 5 years. I want the vaccine, and I want it quickly, but I find it bizarre that your whole view appears to be that the day after we reach critical mass everything will go back to normal. With variants and mutations that just may not be the case. We may end up finding that basing such importance on the vaccine is a bit of a folly, who knows?

Either way, contrasting the hopes someone has with statistics isn’t like for like.


Hi Paul, I’ve been having the flu vaccine for 15 years or so and had the pneumonia one about 3 months ago and never had any kind of side effects except for soreness at the injection site. The AstraZeneca vaccine floored me for 24 hours, it was severe enough to consider calling the doctor but I took paracetamol for the high temperature (39.1 C) and aches which worked to some extent until I felt better. Had I known I would still have had the vaccine but perhaps braced myself for the side effects!
Izzy x

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The Hospital asked for a different vaccine for its staff, in order that, even though their workers are over-tired/whatever… they might continue to treat Joe Public…

and, since I know some of those hospital workers personally… I want to “shout” in their defence… but, I’ll step back instead…

I don’t think everyone has had side effects - and some have reported similar symptoms to those you describe from the Pfizer vaccination - it seems to be a bit of a lottery (somewhat like Covid itself) whether the vaccination makes you feel rough for a short period.

But it does seem to be just a short period so probably worthwhile if you get protection from more serious problems should you encounter Covid in the wild.


Youngest daughter works in a pharmacie here and they are expecting to start administering doses of the AZ vaccine this coming week, their initial supply is… 20 doses!

I do think that how the whole vaccination programme is being communicated (marketed, if you like) is having an impact on take-up and people’s views on how they cope with side-effects when/if they happen.
The nocebo effect is a well-known phenomenon.

In the UK, doctors are talking about the fact that they are bringing hope to people. There doesn’t seem to be much language like that here in France.

A friend of mine who had hers recently has not held her grandchildren in nearly a year. One baby (in New Zealand) she has yet to see other than on Zoom. She told me she burst into tears when she had the vaccine, from relief, because this is her route to being with her family again. The doctor told her, her reaction is not that unusual.


She’s lucky - here, it’s ten.

Stella, both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines have reactions. France just doesn’t want people to know that.
The news from UK supports this.

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