I am replacing my gas cooker with an electric fan oven and an induction hob.
Firstly - can I just turn off the stop cock to the cooker and disconnect the pipe?
Secondly - what does edf charge to go from a 6kva to a 9kva supply?
I am replacing my gas cooker with an electric fan oven and an induction hob.
Firstly - can I just turn off the stop cock to the cooker and disconnect the pipe?
Secondly - what does edf charge to go from a 6kva to a 9kva supply?
Well in that case you need a plumber.
Is that per year or month or one off?
Still got the gas heating and water so only stopping a "spur" as it were!
From memory it was €45 but we were going down not up in supply, you'd expect it to be free as you'll be buying more electricity, well anywhere else but france maybe. Tariff is the same (KW/H) just more for the abandoment (sp)
I think you might be better advised to get a plumber/chauffagiste to come in and seal the pipe on your side of the meter if its town gas or disconnect the supply pipe from your gas tank and seal the tank. If you're using bottled gas then you simply disconnect the bottle from the tube supplying your cooker. We operate an all electric house with electric oven and an induction hob , pompe a chaleur, cumulus etc perfectly satisfactorily on a 6kva supply but I don't think the change costs very much at all it just affects your future tariff.