Is there something that you wish to do, establish, create whilst you are here in France?
Do you have a very special ambition? A book to write, a adventure.
Sometimes sharing your thoughts may help it happen ....sooner.
Is there something that you wish to do, establish, create whilst you are here in France?
Do you have a very special ambition? A book to write, a adventure.
Sometimes sharing your thoughts may help it happen ....sooner.
Martha good morning. Where are you exactly.
Had another of my ideas...
Getting back to dreams and how they can change....Well maybe the dream was wonderful but
life has become more complex.
If you really want to downsize I am sure that it can happen.
Despite so many people saying that France is not the place to be and every one
is going to be a pauper....or, perhaps we all are.
I do not agree.
You need to keep the idea of dreams alive until the next one comes along.
Estate agents here are probably not doing as well as the ones in London but
a fair number of people seem to be making a living from selling properties.
So, I believe that you could find something smaller if you focus....or get
some help with focusing.
I am not sure of what you need to declutter but I you could get a stall in the
Gensac market next summer.....very, very busy. Or a local Vide Grenier...
get some kind local person or a near by SF member to help.
Fun for everyone.
Getting back to dreams.
Secretly we all want to find ourselves and contentment.
When I was in London I felt that everyone was trying to prove themselves
by how they looked, the style of their car and the property/ies they owned.
Along with the nightmares I experienced in London.....previously mentioned
I wanted to be myself and live amongst what seemed real and wonderful.
I have nothing to prove.
David and Doreen,
You are both right, of course. Anticipating that I may have to move, I have started giving away and selling as much as I can, though I cannot yet see how much will remain. To be honest, there are days when I think it would be best to just lock the door and walk away. Other days, I think I'll work harder and join the "jardins ouverts" scheme that has just been formed, and serve tea to visitors.
Doreen, what you describe sounds lovely, but I did not want a life that would be totally idle. I know that would make me utterly indolent. On the other hand, the work is so daunting here that the balance has tipped too far in the other direction.
Forget about my children's needs? Not yet. They are in their early 20s and not yet fully independent. One is struggling and trying so very, very hard that I am sure he will get there. The other is still in university and not very well. They both know how hard it is for me and are prepared to help as best they can; even to let the house go, if need be. I thought it best to prepare them, just in case.
For the moment, I will do my best to carry on with reducing and see if that does not get it all to a manageable size.
Thank you both for your words of advice.
Honestly martha what is important; Do you want to live here? If so change your horizon. We have a tiny house no bigger than what we lived in in UK. What matters is being part of life here. We hvae friends who by are estimation are rich we have friends from the French working class for whom we are rich. It doesn't matter. What matters is the connection.
I am in Dordogne. I did have a lovely young man to help, but he went on to a new life in Toulouse, bless him. Then, I found another man who was rather expensive and then had a heart attack and is no longer working. Since then, I have been trying to manage on my own and almost can, really. But, a good gardener in the area would be a treasure to find.
Where are you and is there anyone nearby on SFN who could help physically (with gardens / clutter etc. etc. )? Absolutely agree with Tony too btw. Hang on in there xx
Oh, Tony, That is a very kind comment. Thank you!
In truth, I thought this was my dream, but it may be turning into a nightmare. The dream was to return to a facsimile of the rural life of my childhood but in the country of my children and to have a balance between research and writing, drawing, gardening, and the occasional visit to London. The reality is that the cost of living is far higher than all the advance calculations indicated, the house is a crushing responsibility, the surrounding fields such physically hard work and the worry and sleeplessness so draining, that I have not written a word in months and barely keep up with my research commitments. Clearly, one shouts "Downsize!" which I am trying to do, beginning with decluttering. In the mean time, I have been selling the last of my assets, but that takes time.
Writing the above makes me realise that, barring a surprising bit of good luck, this dream may die soon. To be honest, I am not sure I have the energy or enough years left to cook up another.