Do you want to join a companion and walk dogs at your local refuge?

Good news for the animals: The new LAARF (Les Amis des Animaux des Refuges en France) SPA and refuge volunteer network is doing so well. Angouleme SPA reported on Thursday that EVERY dog had been walked since the beginning of the week.

If you'd like to volunteer at your local SPA, walking dogs, cuddling cats, taking photos, even grooming and cleaning, please contact your SPA directly, or join the LAARF group to hook up with a companion. There are plenty of kind people who will accompany you for your first visit.

Or, can you donate much needed bedding, in the form or unwanted bedding, towels, curtains etc? Please join the LAARF group and get involved.

It really, really makes a difference to the welfare of the animals.

Thank you

The LAARF group can be found:

Facebook page


And it's excellent for reducing blood pressure! There are so many pros to doing this and I can't think of any cons - okay, so maybe if it rains. We foster for the SPA and every time we need to go up there we see two or three ladies walking as many dogs as they can but they can only manage so many so dozens are left in the cages. The ones that are out look so happy though, it's wonderful.

Absolutely! I've been on one of the walks and it was uplifting, not sad. The people who go to help the cats just go and sit in the cat house and get sat on and purred at. What's not to love!

Thank you for posting this Jane. There are probably loads of people who don't have the facilities, money, whatever, to have a pet of their own but wish they had a companion for a nice afternoon stroll along the lanes. The refuge animals are absolutely perfect for this and anyone who volunteers to take them for walks is making a greater contribution to these animals' happiness and welfare than they probably imagine.