Does your car suffer 'vampire drain'?!

Maybe I’m just getting old.

I hired a new Renault Clio for an urgent journey from Saintes to Nantes in two hours along toll roads at max motorway speed at night during the pandemic.

This car didn’t have the type of handbrake I’m used to. It was electrically operated, and you can see what I mean in the video.

Do I really need a video like this to learn how to use a parking brake? I needed the video however but didn’t have time to watch - my journey was more important. But I wished that I had - tussled and fought with it whenever I tried to reverse out of parking bays. Bloody thing!

These are toys aren’t they, to get sales?

It’s Renault design. In 2006 I picked up a hired Renault of some kind at Pisa airport, and that also had a counter-intuitive electronic handbrake. How we laughed as it refused to release for long minutes in the carpark. :roll_eyes::thinking::rage:

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My first car was a mini with a cockpit a bit like this, with only one distraction – but an essential one - the speedometer.

This is the cockpit of a Honda E , a competitor I think to a Mini E Cooper, with all its home comforts - so much more to distract from driving.

I don’t think we need these – but we want them when we see them. I was the same when younger.

The motoring industry relies on attracting us with all its eye-catching goodies.

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That depends on if those all run over the CAMBUS system or are just loomed old school.

Old school : Column stalk is a series of simple switches feeding a number of relays and resistors to enable different/intermittent power to the wiper blade motors and washer pumps.

CAMBUS: Get someone with an OBD2 scanner to see if you car is reporting issues with the wiper system as this could highlight where the issue is. A good diagnostic specialist is preferable to a dealership technician as the former will check the wiring and signals involved to find the problem and the latter will just replace expensing parts until the code doesn’t appear again in the 5 minutes he/she will spend checking that it’s actually fixed.

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I always thought it was CANBUS

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