Dog bite wounds politician

It's thickening as we type, she's predicted to lose in La Rochelle and the "rightfull" local candidate does have support from some rather influential people, not only the rottweiler. I want him to stand because parachuting people in seems so wrong, regardless of who they are, Royal also drives me round the bend, she may be very intelligent but she's also barking mad! Whaatever happens, they need to hush the whole thing up, bury the hatchet, and refocus on winning as many seats as possible to guarantee a comforatable majority, the rest is not important at a national level (and whatever happens, royal will still be présidente of poitou-charante, and she's probably safer there (for the rest of us) than in government!). She's already lost one presidential election, disapeared and come back to teh fore, I'm sure she'll be back no matter what happens, she's too much of a political animal to stay away, rather like Martine...!