Dog photos only

What did he do Karim? He looks guilty :thinking::grinning:

Lily, don’t worry! He didn’t do anything, he’s a fantastic dog. He doesn’t even take the bread from the chopping board at night which he easily could. He is camera shy!


Gorgeous photo Art. Talking of photos, OH thinks I chose a very strange one of Vita. So hope no one minds, here’s another one of her looking joyous in the snow. Airedales absolutely know how to smile and laugh.


They certainly do Sue! We had a beautiful girl , sadly no longer with us, she was completely bonkers but very loving. Airedale’s are one of the few dogs we’d consider having again.

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Jeeves (left) and Mycroft


a young member of my extended family… is trying to keep herself occupied during lockdown…


Max guarding the grounds for 15 years, last of our 4 Mallys.


Interesting Tony - I’d never heard of a Mally and had to look the word up. Fine looking dog and lived to a good age for a dog that size. Wish our Airedales had lived that long.

Out of interest Sue, which breeding kennels did you get yours from? Ours came from a breeder in the Lot.

Amazingly, she is very close to us - only 30 minute drive - near Villeneuve-sur-Lot. Her Airedales are renowned for their good nature and Vita has the sweetest temperament. I wonder if Vita shares the same gene pool as yours? All of ours have Jokyl ancestry and our French Airedale is quite closely related to our English. Always an issue with less popular breeds. The French breeder tries to widen the pool and so she brought the sire over from Argentina.

Sounds like the same breeder :+1: pretty certain there aren’t two that close to Villeneuve sur Lot.

Ah, as you said “in the Lot” I assumed your breeder was further over in the next department. Villeneuve is in Lot-et-Garonne. :slight_smile:
In that case they are probably cousins. :slight_smile: I’ll dig out the paperwork and tell you who Vita’s parents are.

@RicePudding: Vita (breed name Evita) born 16/01/09 Father: Argos/ Mother Umana / du coteau des levriers

Here are Barney and Fred … they’re brothers from the same litter!


Well, well! Does one look like Mum and the other like Dad?

@SuePJ I can’t even remember his breed name anymore (and have lost the paperwork), but Tchekov was born in 2003, so not from the same parents. Umana’s DOB would indicate that she was from the same litter as Tchekov, so yours would be a niece !

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Ooh - not sure. I think she’s probably a year younger than Tchekov ? If I remember correctly, each year all pedigree dogs get a name with the same initial - so T is a year before U. We cause vets real confusion because they can’t tie Vita to her birth year - we didn’t like calling her Evita - so it got shortened.
I’ve kept her paperwork in her pet passport folder - I like knowing her background. We discovered a cousin near Nerac and she went on play dates with him for a bit - oh the joy of watching Airedales play. But my gosh are they rough!

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Much missed Mickey our wolfhound



My rescue Nina (2000 - 2017) on Royan beach.