Dog transport near Cholet

This is a bit of a long shot but I wondered if there was anybody on here who lives near enough to the Cholet/Nantes area and would be willing to bring a dog in urgent need of rescue to meet me at either Poitiers, Niort or even Parthenay.

In our current circumstances 3 hours is the maximum I can manage with Fran and our 2 and this place, Beaupreau en Mauges, is just too far. It is about 20 kms north of Cholet and really needs to be next weekend or even tomorrow as Fran has no medical visitors then.

Running costs, and I don’t mean just diesel, will be paid by the association.

I don’t know the details but it is possibly a family breakup or enforced move into unsuitable premises. An offer of 3 weeks time has been deemed too late.