Hmm. Tricky one this as it is often 'horses for Courses'. As a former Prof at European Business Schools, and United Business Institutes in Brussels for both BBA and MBA studies (my subjects were Marketing and Communications), I would have to put my hand on my heart and say that 'Masters Degrees' certainly in my sphere are as valuable as the University or Institution providing same. In other words a Degree from Harvard has a lot more clout than one from the University of Delhi!
Personally although I have given such courses online myself, a 'degree' issued by me would be next to worthless as a piece of paper, and the same applies to others. Quality of course is variable and online you haven't the faintest idea of who the lecturer is and his or her qualifications. In my case I had NO formal qualifications but some 40 years of international experience and a very good reputation to boot, plus being a published author in my subjects.
My students ranged as far as from Vietnam, France, Belgium, Israel, Tunisia, England, Japan, Hungary and later Russia and the Baltic States. The most important point being people wanted Degrees in English and from recognised and reputed companies using that language.
It depends on what you want and how portable you want it to be. IF you only want to work in France then go for a French degree, but be aware that internationally (because despite protestations to the contrary most international business people do NOT have French as their first or even second language and so have no comprehension of whether the degree is worth anything as they can't read it!)
Which brings up the important point of what do you want the degree for? Is it just to be able to wave an impressive looking piece of paper at a prospective employer OR a way to learn something - and believe me these are different considerations for many people. My understanding is in France there are about three institutions issuing degrees that count in France (alone) and you can do the usual online checks of 'Top' etc. As these are all French, they have only limited value elsewhere for the reason I have stated above.
IF you want an internationally recognised degree then you need to pursue English-Language Courses and these are few and far between in France as far as I know.
Places like Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and of course the UK and America are good resource programmes and places like the US North-Western and Thunderbird used to offer online courses for degrees, which reproduces the circle - the degree value is only as good as the institution issuing it.
Another point is what subject(S) do you want to study? Trade type? Cultural type? etc. What are YOU looking for from a course? As I say if it is just a piece of paper to wave at somebody then these are simple (I can even provide an address in India which qualifies you to work as a brain surgeon with no study at all!). If you genuinely want to 'learn' - a disgusting word for many people, then do some research and check out the bona-fides of those offering services.