Dominic Cummings

Well, we can quibble about whether he is “good” - but that is somewhat irrelevant.

What we need is competent and with the interests of the Nation as his guiding principle, not incompetent, malevolent and with the interests of mates as his guiding principle.


What is there to quibble about? Him and all the other cheerleaders for the coming mess need to be held accountable.

However, yes, I agree we need competence. Where Brexit is concerned though I fear it will be impossible to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.


I was thinking purely in personal terms - by all accounts he is quite affable and bloke-y if you know him personally. And he must have some sort of charm given the number of sexual conquests.

That said I think even close friends would struggle to describe him as reliable.

As a politician, especially as UK PM, it is without doubt that he will go down in history as one of the worst, if not the worst, of all time.


Neville Chamberlain made quite a mess of it too.
Both appeasers as well.

How true this article is, is anyone’s guess…

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Similarly reported in The Daily Fail so possibly some truth in it?
Izzy x

It’s difficult - there is a relationship between level of education and salary but it is mired in environmental and class factors. Poor people are poor for a huge number of reasons, not just genetics.

Um excuse me but I had to call you out on the above remark. ‘Not JUST genetics’. What is your thinking behind that? I believe as soon as this subject is raised we get to a murky and unattractive area very fast indeed. I have also noticed that the present government do seem to believe that they arrive at where they are at least in part because they have the ´right ‘ blood flowing through their viens that ensures their superior talents Not an attractive delusion.

My thinking behind that is that people are where they are in life because of about a million different factors, one of which is genetics.

Er, yes indeed.

No, not an attractive delusion at all.

Unfortunately some of these characters haven’t the wit to see that they are there because of an accident of birth and no or few merits of their own.

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Indeed, which almost certainly disqualifies them from the notion or capability of any rational thinking :slightly_smiling_face: