Driver's license exchange-non EU citizens in France

Hello fellow SF’ers! I’m American from California. Been here 10 years and couldn’t exchange my license as only residents of 8 states in the US are allowed to do it. Not California! FYI: If you are a lucky one you have to exchange your license within one year of becoming a resident here.
Never pursued a license–mostly due to cost, and having to pass difficult (from what I hear) written and driving test. IMO it’s ridiculous as I drove for over 40 years in US before landing here.
Anyway, I hear rumblings about the General Assembly looking to revise rules for non-EU residents.
Has anyone heard likewise or have any idea how to research? I really don’t follow politics too deeply here and don’t know where to look. Thanks in advance.

Numpty 18 year-olds do it every day. You can too :slightly_smiling_face:

My stepfather who is German and lives in Germany now, had to redo his test completely aged 77 because he had had a California licence since 1960 or something like that and they suddenly noticed in Germany that he should have a German licence. The German test is a bit more complicated than the French one and he managed.

Just go for it :slightly_smiling_face: and really if people aren’t up to passing it they shouldn’t be on the road anyway.


My daughter easily exchanged her french permis for a texas one without taking a driving test but her husband with a UK licence had to take the driving test to exchange his, he didn’t even have to drive either, just answer some questions and do an eye test.

Can!t immediately see anything in Assemblée Nationale.

Any specific topic/topics… or just rumblings in general ???

Thanks Vero! Congrats to your stepfather! That’s encouraging to say the least.

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Thanks Jane. I found this, but it seems to be limited to rules/cost of obtaining permis in general (but I may be missing some of the gist). I am not very good at navigating government sites:

Adoption de la proposition de loi visant à faciliter le passage et l’obtention de l’examen du permis de conduire - Assemblée nationale

Thanks Shiba. Are you talking about exchanging licenses in Texas vs France?

Thanks Stella. See my reply to Jane. That’s all I could find…

Ah… my mistake… I thought you were suggesting something for Non-EU citizens…

The changes re the Driving License have been in the Press, this is one example…

EDIT: This is about taking lessons and passing The Test…

@judyk have you looked into a 3-way swap? ie 2 steps via another swop first.

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No, a french licence for a texas one. Probably not really relevent to your situation thinking about it but because she was used to driving on the right with a LH vehicle they accept it but not the UK permis for her husband. Therefore an american licence should not really pose any problems as you drive the same as us here albeit the road rules are bit different.

Hi Karen! What’s the 3-way swap you’re referring to? How/where does that work? Thanks.

Or just do the test

If you’ve been driving for 40 years and speak French it won’t be hard. It only seems difficult for the children who do it because they are children :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks much Vero!

And hopefully you won’t have other candidates in the car with you at the same time which was normal when my kids took their tests and very offputting.

That didn’t happen here in sw 24🙂

Happened all the time up north we where we lived and on lessons as well.

When I was in India once (80s), chatting to a group of lads in a old Ambassador car (Original Morris Oxford) and they said they were taking their driving tests, but were trying to decide which one of them would do the driving. Apparently everyone in the car would pass if the designated driver could drive 100 yards in a straight line…

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Find a country or a state you are eligible to spend time in that will accept your current State licence as a swop, that has a similar arrangement with other States and countries that may include France. Take a bit of time and follow it through.

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